12 - The Saku Village

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As they continued on their journey toward the Saku Village, the group found themselves navigating through a dense forest. The rustling leaves and the occasional roar of wind causing Zenerius to shiver slightly.

"You cold zenny?" Griffin asked looking back at his 'best friend' in concern.

"I am... but its fine I can manage" Zenerius said nervously. He had felt extremely awkward around Griffin, because of Griffin's touchy habits but he knew that he was overthinking and tried to respond in a calm manner.

Ignius and Nathaniel walked side by side, she was racing with Nathaniel, she never thought she could meet one who would comply to her personality so perfectly. Her competitive urge and his teasing behaviour went so well together. 

Ahead of them, Aspen couldn't help but notice the subtle shifts in dynamics within the group. She decided to strike up a conversation with Ignius, who seemed more approachable than usual.

"You know," Aspen began, "you can tell me if you like a guy or something, like I'm one of the girl friends you have. If not the only one so you can tell me if you like someone~"

Ignius turned to her, raising an eyebrow. "I don't necessarily 'like' anyone"

Aspen smiled knowingly. " Oh come on! I've seen the way you and Nathaniel interact. I know there's more then what your telling me~ Just remember, if you two ever get married I call dibs on first toast!"

"ARE YOU STUPID?! I don't like that idiot" Ignius defended herself.

"Don't lie to me Burny girl~ you really like it when he teases you don't you?" Aspen smirked.

"no just stop Aspen." 

"fine but don't think I won't say 'i told you so' when you guys get together"

She was about to have a fit, but she was actually getting along with some people and they actually liked her. She just shook off the previous topic and continued trudging to the Saku Village. She allowed herself to take a quick glance at Nathaniel, who was busy sharing a laugh with her brother, Zenerius. A small smile tugged at her lips as she thought over the idea of them being together. "As if I would never" She thought to herself.

Back in the forest, the group pressed on, their footsteps echoing in the tranquil surroundings. With every step, they moved closer to the mysterious Saku Village, and closer to uncovering the secrets that awaited them there.

As they walked through the forest, the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow on their path. Another night had passed, but this adventure was going way faster than she expected

As the group pressed on, the forest began to thin, and the distant murmur of a stream grew louder. They emerged from the dense woods to find themselves standing at the edge of a quaint, picturesque village.

The Saku Village was a place out of time, nestled in a serene valley surrounded by tall, blossoming cherry blossom trees. The pink and white petals danced on the gentle breeze, creating a mesmerizing and dreamlike atmosphere.

Houses made of timber and adorned with intricate carvings lined the narrow cobblestone streets. The soft glow of lanterns hung from wooden eaves, casting warm light on the village's inhabitants who moved about their daily lives.

Children played near the stream, and villagers greeted one another with smiles and nods as they went about their chores. The scent of fresh, home-cooked meals wafted from open windows, making the travelers' stomachs growl in unison.

Griffin, Zenerius, Ignius, and Aspen couldn't help but be captivated by the village's serene beauty and the feeling of peace that seemed to permeate the air. It was a stark contrast to the tensions and mysteries they had encountered in the forest.

"Well, this place certainly lives up to its name," Griffin remarked, gazing at the blooming cherry blossoms.

Zenerius nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over him. "It's incredible."

Aspen couldn't hide her amazement either. "It gets prettier every single time!"

Ignius, though impressed, remained cautious. "Let's not forget why we're here. We need to find answers about that 'white color of peace' and what it means."

Their curiosity and determination spurred them to explore further into the village. They walked along the cobblestone streets, greeted by friendly villagers who seemed genuinely pleased to have visitors.

"NATHANIEL!! Oh you get more handsome every single time you come here" A young girl started to hug Nathaniel.

"Oh hey Jess." Nathaniel said unpleasantly as if he were physically hurt to see her.

Nathaniel's reaction caught the attention of the group. Ignius, Aspen, Griffin, and Zenerius exchanged curious glances as the enthusiastic girl named Jess continued to gush over Nathaniel.

Jess didn't seem to notice Nathaniel's discomfort as she chatted away about how much she missed him and how she had heard about his recent adventures. It became evident that Jess had a crush on Nathaniel, and her affectionate greetings made him visibly uneasy.

Aspen couldn't resist a mischievous grin as she leaned over to whisper to Ignius, "Well, well, seems like your not the only one who admires him"

"I don't like him." Ignius rolled her eyes but couldn't help but chuckle softly. "Clearly, he's not thrilled about it."

"And you're happy about that?" Aspen questioned.

"SO HAPPY!!" Ignius smirked.

Griffin, ever observant, watched the interaction with a thoughtful expression. Zenerius, on the other hand, remained quiet, his eyes drifting to a nearby cherry blossom tree.

After a somewhat awkward but polite exchange, Nathaniel managed to extricate himself from Jess's exuberant greeting. The group continued their exploration of the village, passing by quaint shops, a serene temple, and a small tea house where villagers gathered to socialize.

As they wandered deeper into the village, they couldn't help but feel the sense of peace that pervaded every corner. It was as if the very air they breathed carried a calming influence.

Suddenly, Griffin's keen eyes caught sight of something unusual. He pointed towards a small shrine nestled beneath a particularly ancient cherry blossom tree. The shrine was adorned with a shimmering white cloth that seemed to stand out against the pink and white petals scattered around it.

"That shrine," Griffin said, his voice filled with curiosity. "I think that might be connected to the 'white color of peace' we're looking for."

The group approached the shrine, drawn by an inexplicable force. They stared at the white cloth, wondering if their answers lay beneath it. With a sense of anticipation, Griffin stepped forward and gently lifted the cloth, revealing a hidden compartment beneath.

"This is different then i remember..." Nathaniel said keeping his hand behind his head.

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