Part 2

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Next day at the minor mansion
Vegas: macau wake up you are gonna be late for school!!
"Vagas opens the door and sees macau isn't at his bed"
Vegas: macau come out it's too early to joke around
"After vegas saw that macau truly wasn't at his room he panick and run down the stairs"
Vegas: dad have you see macau?
Macau's and vegas dad: No isn't he at his room?
Vegas : no and he's phone is here
Macau's and vegas dad's : maybe his with porchay you know seens he and Kim started dating he and macau became best friends
Vegas: ok l will go and call kinn
Macau's and vegas dad's: ok tell me if he is there
Vegas: ok
"vegas took his phone and calls kinn on the phone"
Vegas: kinn is macau there?
Kinn: really vegas not even a good morning?
Vegas: just answer the damn question
Kinn: l don't know wait let me tell porsche to ask porschey why are you panicking anyways?
Vegas: when l was in his room to wake him up he wasn't there and when l called him in his phone l found out he forgot his phone
Kinn: ok l will go and tell porsche to ask porschay and l will call you back
Vegas: ok
"After kinn hang up the door open"
Peter: Vega did you find macau?
Vegas: no l asked kinn to tell porsche to ask porschay if he is with macau or if he know where he is
"with that Pete hugged vegas"
Pete: don't worry we will find him
"On the other side with kinn"
Kinn: porsche can you ask porschay if he is with macau or if he know where he is?
Porsche: sure but why what's wrong?
Kinn: vegas called me and asked me if he is here l told l don't know so he told me to tell you to ask porschay if he knows where he is
Porsche: ok l will go ask porschay
"porsche kissed kinn and left the room he got out side of porchays door and knocked inside the room is Kim and porschay sleeping while hugging each other when they heard the knock they woke up "
Porschay: yes? Who is it?
Porsche: porschay it's me can l came in?
Porschay: wait hia
Kim wake up hia is out side
Kim: no let me candle you little bit more
Porsche: is there someone alse with you
Porchay: what no it's the TV Kim if you want to candle later go to the bathroom
Kim: fine
"Kim got inside the bathroom and porchay opens the door"
Porschay: hia is there anything you need?
Porsche : yes do you know where is macau?
Porschay: no hia why?
Porsche: he isn't at minor house and his phone is there so vegas told me to ask you if there is anything you know tell me ok?
Porschay: ok
"porsche left porschays room and goes to kinn"
Porsche: he isn't here and porschay doesn't knok where he is
Kinn:ok l will call vega
Porsche: ok
"kinn call vegas"
Vegas: is macau there?
Kinn: no he isn't here
Vegas: wait kinn someone is calling me l will call you back
"vegas hangs up and calls the number"
Person:hello is this vegas Theerapanyakul?
Vegas:yes who is it?
Person: were calling from *****hospital to inform you that macau Theerapanyakul was found dead at ****** bridge
Vegas:........ What? Are you sure that it's my brother's body?
Person:yes we identify the body as him
Vegas:........ Ok thank you for informing me
Person:of course also were so sorry for your loss
"after vegas hang up he broke down crying"
Pete: vegas babe why are you crying what's wrong?
Vegas: the ***** hospital called me to tell me that macau was found at the ****** bridge dead
"after vegas told Pete he started to cry harder and Pete hug him"
Pete:shhhh everything will be ok
"Vegas hugged him back and started to crying more"
Vegas: l just don't understand was l not good big brother l tried so hard to be an good older brother but l failed it's all my fault
Pete: what no it's not your fault he was the one that wanted to do it don't blame your self he wouldn't want that ok all of us are here for you
"while hugging Pete also started to cry after sometime Pete helped Vega to go to there room and with that they fall

That's it for this episode l hope you liked it if you liked it pls vote it l love you guys see you in the next episode have an good day/night 💕

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