I Love You (Niall Horan .. With A Bit Of Larry On The Side)

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It is bright and early in the morning and you are getting up. Stretching, you yawn. Louis walks in, flamboyant as always, Harry trailing behind dimpling.

"Hi," you say, smiling happily as Louis pecks you on the cheek handing you the norm. A perfectly hot, three sugars with warm milk, Yorkshire tea. Harry wraps his arms around his frail body from behind and Louis leans back into his chest. You smile because there honestly couldn't be a better couple more fit for each other than those two together.

"Hello, love!" He exclaims enthusiastically, throwing his short arms around you and hugging you until you break of to escape for breath. Louis want to go in for another hug but Harry holds him back.

"You are going to break her, Lou. She's tiny. Be careful." Harry is sensitive around Lou, always. Louis, although he may not now it, is quite delicate himself. With a small, voluptuous body and big round eyes. His skin made of porcelain, lovely and pale. So Harry holds him softly against him.

Louis' frowns, thin pink lips forming into a frown and you laugh because he is just that cute. Harry joins in and soon the room is filled with laughter. The space next to you moves around a bit, sheets fussing. Niall comes out from under the white sheets and smiles lazily. "Hey you," he whispers gently.

You blush, red tinting your cheeks and making way onto your neck. "Hey." You breathe back softly.

He swoops in for a kiss and your lips are already puckered. Your mouths meet and its like fireworks, as cliché as it sounds.

"Ewe!" Louis squeals childishly as you pull apart. Your face is flushed.

"Oh, hush up, you." You snap playfully. He rolls his eyes and leads Harry -- more like drags -- out of the bedroom so it's just you two alone.

He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear gently. Your name rolls out of his mouth beautifully and as he says it your insides go warm.

"Niall." You whisper back.

"I love you, (Y/N)." And then he pecks your nose. You giggle, the sound light and airy floating about the long room.

"I love you, too."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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