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This is the story of a young boy whose life was changed forever. In the nation of Inazuma lies a hidden world underneath, Enkanomiya. This underground land was the origin of the people of Watatsumi Island. As time passed Enkanomiya fell out of the minds of Inazuma, but there are shamans who stayed and believed that it was their destiny to connect the fallen land of Enkanomiya to Watatsumi Island. Here began a tale of the Last Shaman of Enkanomiya.

Chapter I: A Shaman's Sorrow.

To begin our story we must rewind to the Great Escape.

*10 Years Earlier*

Back then Enkanomiya was filled with people. On that day it was a celebration of the young son of the shamans. Rarely the birth of Shamans were a miracle only happening once every 50 years.
There was no answer of why a miraculous birth happens every 50 years but it was a grand time for Enkanomiya. This boy was filled with energy and his name was Taltos.

Taltos' POV

"Taltos, dear it's time to wake up"
"Taltos....." The voice was louder
"AH!" I screamed out
I got up from my bed in panic. My vision was blurry but I saw a woman on the end of my bed.
"Taltos, please consider sleeping early" the woman said
I rubbed my eyes
"Sorry Mother, I was too excited to sleep" I said in a cheery tone
"I know but you can't do that often now let's begin your special day" My mother said
I barely knew them but everytime I remembered them it was like a radiant light in my life that I can barely remember. It was like everyday with a prayer to the Archon and to the spirits of Enkanomiya's past but something was unusual. Me and my parents were at an altar for the Archon and I asked them.
"Mother. Father. Who are you praying to?"
"Son. As Shamans of Enkanomiya, we have the ability to see our history." My father said,
"Our History?" I asked
"Spirits of old call to us and we learn from them and guide them to their peace" He said
"Cool! I want to do that!" I said in excitement.
My father simply laughed at my remark.
"Soon, Taltos you will be crowned with a vision, a gift granted from the gods to those who they watch over."
In a blur Enkanomiya was in ruin taken over by foreign soldiers not of Inazuma. My Mother and Father were leading the escape but only few left from Enkanomiya.
They died and I was left alone as a prisoner.
I was held captive by my invaders as an experiment. I remember it to the very minute it happened.
*3 years earlier*
It must have been years when I was a captive from their raid. I heard that many left to escape persecution from them. I learned who they were. It was an organization called the Fatui. Those bastards took everything I knew. After multiple tests I was placed in a room and something was placed to my arm. All I knew was that it was bloody and in the end there was a vision embedded into my arm. I was placed back into my cell and was deemed a failure due to the vision having no reaction to the experiment. That night I reminisced home, my parents, and finally my future I simply cried out my pains.
I looked around. I haven't heard that in years.
"Why are you crying?"
Out of nowhere two apparitions appeared
"Huh? Who are you?" I said with tears backed up
"We are your family. Remember what I said to you when you were younger?"My father said.
"What am I supposed to do? I am trapped here and this vision has done nothing for me." I said in spite
"Everyone from Enkanomiya's past is here and are ready to guide you to be the future of the Shamans." My mother said,
I yelled out my feelings but a small light lit on my arm. It awoken. Once a blank vision filled with a light blue hue with a snowflake on top.
"What is this?"
"That is the vision of Cryo, in all of my knowledge the Shamans have never had a Cryo before." My father said
I didn't say anything else. It was ironic that the reason I have this vision is the same person who caused me to suffer.I wasted no time and I planned for freedom.
That night I escaped. There was so much blood. Did I really have to kill all of them? It has kept me up at times. but at last I was free. I had not seen the light all of my life as the sun touched my skin with a warm embrace, a feeling I had not felt in forever.

Chapter I:Complete

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