**Chapter 7: A Glimpse of the Past**

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Aron sat at his desk in the bustling architecture firm where he worked, the hum of ringing phones and the chatter of colleagues serving as the backdrop to his thoughts. A day had passed since the memorable dinner at his parents' house with Ashley, and the memories of that evening still lingered in his mind.

As he glanced at his computer screen, trying to focus on the complex project before him, his thoughts inevitably drifted back in time, to a simpler era when he had first met Ashley in elementary school.


**Flashback: A Sunny Afternoon in Elementary School**

The sun cast playful patterns of light and shadow on the playground, where children laughed and played. Among them, a young Aron, with his mop of chestnut hair, stood near the swings, his attention drawn to a girl who had just arrived.

Ashley, even at a young age, possessed a grace and curiosity that set her apart. Her long, ebony hair flowed like a waterfall as she approached the swings, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with an inquisitive glint. She wore a pair of oversized glasses that made her look like a pint-sized librarian.

Aron had seen her in the schoolyard before, but they had never spoken. Today, something in him urged him to change that.

As he mustered up the courage to approach, Ashley looked up from her book and caught his eye. Her smile, warm and welcoming, made his heart race.

"Hi, I'm Ashley," she said, her voice soft but filled with genuine friendliness.

Aron, his heart pounding, managed to reply, "I'm Aron. Do you want to swing with me?"

And from that simple exchange, their friendship had blossomed. They had spent countless afternoons on those swings, talking about their dreams, sharing secrets, and forging a bond that defied the fleeting nature of childhood friendships.


Back in the present, Aron couldn't help but smile as he recalled that first meeting with Ashley. Even then, as children, there had been a connection, an unspoken understanding that had drawn them together.

He continued to work on the architectural plans, his mind flitting between memories of the past and thoughts of the future. The image of Ashley, her smile as bright as the sun that had shone on their elementary school days, filled his thoughts.

Aron had always known that Ashley was special. She had been his confidante, his partner in mischief, and the one person who had seen him through every phase of life. Now, as they stood on the precipice of something more, he couldn't help but wonder if their friendship was destined to evolve into a love story for the ages.

But one thing was certain; whether as friends or something more, Ashley would always hold a special place in his heart. She was his childhood companion, his confidante, and, perhaps, the love he had been searching for all along.

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