𝙲𝟷-"𝚆𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔"

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𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚘: Today is Monday, wich means that today senior year is starting, obviously I don't love school but my friends always make my days better.

"Yn come on down, we're gonna be late on the first day!" My brother Armin shouted from downstairs, he's so annoying but I guess sometimes it's good to have him here with me.

"Okay class everyone quiet down and look at me"
My teacher Mrs.Rous said in a serious tone, I guess she's just as pissed off as everyone here. "Since today is the first day of school we won't be learning instead we will do some QnA to get to know each other"
Mrs.rous seemed happy now but we all already know each other from last ye-
"We already know each other from last year dumbass"
Eren said interrupting my thoughts, hold on, did he just call Mrs Rous dumbass? Poor guy will never be seen alive again. Mrs r was obviously furious and started going crazy on Eren
"Ma'am I don't think there's a need to argue, you can just send him to the office?"
I said in a quite silent tone.
"Guess what you can just follow him, because you interrupted me"
I looked at Eren that was already standing at the door from the classroom, I just ran to the doors and slammed them open.

"Really? Not even 16 minutes into the school start and I already have two students standing in my office, unbelievable"
The principle said in an disappointed tone. What was I thinking of protecting that girl switching bastard? I just concentrated on the worksheets that the principal gave us.
"Yn? Do you know the answer to this question?"
"Wich one?" I said annoyingly
"What you so mad for?"
He looked at me with puppy eyes.
"Your manipulating puppy eyes won't work on me and that question isn't on the worksheet, so no, I can't answer that question"
I gave my worksheet to the principal and Eren doing the same, we had to walk through the hallway together, there was an akward silence between us but Idc I'm not one of his hoes that wants attention from him.
Eren sighed as he turned me around
"When will the dorm parter selection be?"
He asked in a low and cold tone, looking down at me
"Uh..uhmm...uhh i-i don't know..."
Why is my heart pounding so fast..Am I in love?
"Alright if you get any info on that just call me or text I don't really care, but it'd be better if I could hear your sweet voice"
He said as he handed me a note with his number written on it, my heart started beating even more, I bet I'm redder than a tomato rn

"Look who's finally home"
Armin said running down the stairs
"Where the fuck were you, you promised to pick me up from school I had to WALK up that damn hill"
I screamed at Armin, we live on an hill so it's fucking exhausting to walk up there
"Calm down girlie, I have a leftover sandwich from before so you can eat it if ya want"

(Ikkk this is short but I just wanted to see if anyone reads this and please leave yalls opinion on thissss, and writing with nails I horror so excuse me if I have some typing issues😭)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2023 ⏰

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