Chapter One

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September 21st

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September 21st

     "AURORA! Get your butt down here, now!" My eyes, still closed, roll to the back of my head as I groan in annoyance before putting away the slightly bowed guitar and slip into some sandals. Opening my bedroom door, I stepped out and made my way downstairs.

I listened for my step-mothers voice, following it outside onto the back porch, I froze once I saw a tall young male's back. Who is that?

"Carolyn?" I softly interrupted, stepping to the side to see her face.

"Ah, there you are! Ward, Rafe, this is my daughter Aurora!" Her hands gripped my shoulders as I froze in realization of who was in front of me.

I used to have a crush on Rafe until I learned how much of a jerk he was. He was only three years older than me so of course it was only a middle school crush.

"Hi!" I greeted them with handshakes before being pulled to a bench behind the father and son. After they had all sat down, Ward spoke up.

"She is beautiful and I do believe that if they were to do this, that could mean a lot for both of our families!" My eyebrows creased together at his words as I glanced to Rafe who had a small smirk on his lips.

"Do what, exactly?" I asked, confused.

"Get married," My step mother said in a duh tone. My heart froze as my eyes widened. "So, to make it seem real, we could have them start dating tomorrow, go on a first date and then get engaged next year, and soon get married!"

My hearing was lost as I focused on the fact that my step mother wanted to give me away to a guy just for their businesses. Did my father agree to this?

"Where's dad?" I interrupted, standing up as I ran into the house.


I ignored Carolyn as I ran into my Dad's office, finding him doing paperwork.

"Tell me you didn't agree to an arranged marriage?!" I whisper-yelled at him.

He didn't even look me in the eye as he shooed me away, giving me my answer.

"Asshole," I whispered as tears gathered in my eyes.

"Aurora!" Carolyn hissed, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around. "You get back out there and be a lady and agree to this or so help me!" Her words were low but held a heavy meaning.

I gave a winced nod before walking back out to the men, wiping the fallen tear from my cheek before giving a wide smile to hide my real emotions.

"I'm up for it, if Rafe is!" I said, looking at the mentioned boy.

"Yeah I'm down, Dad!" He eagerly said, giving a warm smile to Carolyn.

"Awesome! Well, you guys can start to get to know each other starting right now while your dad and I discuss the details!" Her long nails dug into my skin as she leaned down to my ear. "Don't mess this up for us."

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now