Chapter Three

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     KIARA, Pope and JJ ended up leaving for the night, but I was still hesitant to go home

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KIARA, Pope and JJ ended up leaving for the night, but I was still hesitant to go home. I was about to walk out the door when a hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Rory, you can stay another night if you want to," John B quietly suggests.

"I know, I just-" I run a hand through my tangled hair as I think over my words. "I don't want to get into any more trouble with my parents or Rafe," I be straightforward with him.

"Trouble? For leaving and taking a day to yourself when your own boyfriend almost kills you?" He scoffs at my reasoning. "You really would just run back to them after all that?"

"No, you-" I swing my arms in anger, wishing I could tell him everything. "You don't understand JB. I wish I could tell you, but I-"

"You don't trust me?" He cuts me off. I stay silent not knowing if I did trust him fully yet or not. "Funny. Yeah, go back to your abusive boyfriend, Aurora. Have fun with him." He spins around before I can say anything else.

"At least I won't get shot at with him!" I yell at his back in frustration before running out of his house.

Tears are in my eyes as I think about the amount of trouble I was going to be in when I arrived home. I kept my arms around myself as I made my way, my gaze drifting to all the homes that were falling apart.

The walk home gave me time to think about my life.

I was stuck in an arranged relationship with a psychotic human being and I was terrified for myself. I can never have fun and I'm supposed to hate Pogues. But how come when I hang out with them for one day, I have the most fun I've had in a while, even if I was being shot at.

And John B, he was growing on me. I was thankful he took me in last night after the incident or else I'd have woken on the beach alone. I wouldn't tell him yet, but I had slowly forgiven him for what he did a year ago, but I couldn't bring myself to not hate him.

I had to hate him. It was who we were. I was a Kook and he was a Pogue. I had to marry Rafe, and he was a free boy who believes his father is still alive. We weren't meant to be friends. So I had to stay away from him.

I needed to make my father proud, I needed to marry Rafe no matter what he did to me. I have to hate John B, even if I don't want to. Even if I can't find it in me anymore.

Making my way inside my house, my whole body tensed up when I heard a yell.

"Aurora Grace Kingsley!" Carolyn was no doubt going to have fun punishing me for being gone since last night. I don't have a doubt in me, that Rafe already explained that I was 'missing' since last night, since I wasn't with him.

"Where the hell have you been?" Her dull brown eyes peered into mine as she came down the staircase.

"A friend's house," I answered vaguely.

Hate You  𖤓 John B. Routledge 𖤓Where stories live. Discover now