4|Late Night Date

34 3 4

September 6|2023


You jumped and frantically ripped open your satchel to check that your house keys were inside the designated pocket.

In the dim moonlight, you caught a glimpse of something shiny,

"Oh thank Lady Irene." You let out a breath and turned away from the window you had just crawled out of and turned to begin walking around to the front of the house.

Why were you crawling out of the window instead of going out the front door like a normal person?

Elise had passed out on the sofa, not a few feet from the front door, and you didn't want to chance waking her and getting bombarded with questions.

Where are you going?
Is this a sneak-out for your hot rock star?
What's with the bag?
Are you gonna kiss him?

You smiled to yourself and looked back at the window, Just in case, you thought and walked back over to give the window one good tug to ensure it was locked.

It was, you adjusted the satchel on your hip and softly hummed as you walked around the side of the house to the front porch.

While you were still inside, you had flipped on the porch light, you'd turn it off once you got back home, you continued humming and stepped up onto the porch and settled yourself into one of the white rocking chairs that were sat on both sides of the front door.

The sky was pretty clear, there were barely any clouds and light pollution so you were able to see countless shines and shimmers from the stars above.

The cool night air was nice and crisp with a small breeze now and then felt amazing. You felt yourself getting lost in the moment, the starry sky, gentle breeze, the dark shape walking up the sidewalk, the yellow glow of the lampposts. . .

Your heart hammered in your ears and chest, you lost your voice as your mind began to race, then just as you were about to scream bloody murder, the figure stepped into the white glow of the porch light.

"I hope I didn't startle you." You placed a hand over your heart and let out the breath you had been holding in.

"Startle me? I was so close to screaming for Elise." You let out a soft laugh and stood from the rocking chair to meet Wally at the steps.
"Sorry about that," Wally gave a nervous smile and scratched the back of his neck, you felt your heart flutter in your chest.

He's cute when he's nervous, You hoped the dim porch light hid the light blush across your cheeks,
"So, you ready to go to the park?" Wally gestured to the right using his left hand to point over his shoulder, and you let out a giggle.

"The park is that way." You pointed to the left and barely saw the dark blush that started to make its way across the rockstar's cheeks.

"Right!" You couldn't help but let out a small laugh as you hopped off the porch and started walking down the sidewalk.

The neighborhood was dark with the occasional street lamp at the end of every block and the light of the full moon made it easy to see where you were going.

The both of you walked in comfortable silence for the first two blocks, and just as you crossed the road and walked past the first house on the block, Wally broke the silence,
"This neighborhood is very pretty, lots of different homes and styles." You smiled and nodded at Wally's words.

"Lots of families around the block, great neighborhood, Elise and I have been living here for almost four years." A soft smile pulled at your lips, though your heart had started to ache slightly, and you couldn't help the feelings that seemed to wash over and engulf your body, I miss him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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