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As Jake walked in the classroom, he was immediately greeted from heaven itself when he lay his eyes on Lee Heeseung.

Damn. I had almost forgotten how pretty this dude is, his mind thought, as he stood in the middle of the doorway, still staring at him.

Heeseung's golden skin seemed to be glowing from the ray of light that trailed in due to him sitting by the window. His purple hair was even brighter, and it was as if he was the main character in this moment. He had white, thin, circle glasses on today, and it sure did look good on him, as it framed his face so perfectly. His earbuds trailed down and it looked so good on him that Jake had thought it was permanently apart of Heeseung's face. Jake couldn't believe his eyes. In fact, he blinked multiple times to make sure what he was seeing was real and not something from his stupid brain.

Wow. What a lovely morning.

His thoughts were immediately interrupted when Jungwon, who suddenly came up right behind him, gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"Buddy, move your ass. Stop drooling. Everyone is looking at you like you're an idiot," Jungwon whispered in his ear. Embarrassed once he saw everyone staring at him like he was a freak, Jake snapped himself out of it and awkwardly sat in his seat with Jungwon. Luckily, he had a friend in this class. But of course, it was none other than the sassy king himself. At least he sat right next to him, so they weren't on opposite sides of the room.

On the other side of his seat though, was Lee Heeseung. Everyone always glared at Jake due to him being the one who got to sit by Heeseung. Not only this, but Heeseung's seat is in the back of the classroom, all the way by the window, so really only one person can sit next to him. And Jake ended up winning that prize.

"Ah...you again," Heeseung muttered. Now that Jake talked to him yesterday, Heeseung had finally noticed he was there. Jake's mouth turned upwards into a smile, happy that Heeseung chose to talk to him first, instead of Jake having to desperately pine over Heeseung just to get any sort of interaction going between them two.

"You were hoping he'd be absent, right? Yeah, me too. This guy is fucking annoying. He's always here too! It's like you just can't get rid of him," Jungwon told Heeseung, making him laugh. Jake on the other hand, face palmed and sighed in embarrassment at his friend's antics.

"Oh my gosh...don't mind him, he's stupid. Anyways, bet ya missed me, eh?" Jake leaned on the table, with his hand under his ear, trying to position himself so that it would somehow lure him in. But Heeseung being Heeseung, honestly wondered why Jake had kept leaning on pretty much anything he could find. As if it made him look cool or something. In Heeseung's eyes, it made him look kinda stupid, but it was funny to him. He would say it's an endearing trait, the fact that he's trying so hard when he really doesn't need to at all.

Jake gave Heeseung a sly smirk, along with a wink, and expected him to start blushing and act all shy, as it said in the internet, but instead, he received no reaction.

"Not gonna work on me, Jake." Heeseung turned his back on Jake, rejecting his advances, but Jake being the determined and stubborn boy he is, didn't want to leave it at that.

"Heeseung, I want to be your friend. That's all I ask." What Jake had just said earned him a smile from Heeseung, which made Jake's heart dance. He liked having the most popular boy in school's attention.

"And why is that?" Heeseung asked, raising a brow. Jake really hoped Heeseung couldn't see the sweat that he felt on his face.

"Uhh...I just feel like people never really wanna get to know you, you know? They just like you cause you're cute. I actually want to get to know you. Unlike these jerks." Jake felt pretty proud of himself in that moment there, as it seemed that Heeseung approved of his true intentions.

"Hmmm," Heeseung mumbled with an adorable little grin on his face that brightened Jake's whole entire day. It was a nice thing to see. It was like an achievement, a reward. The popular kid smiling at you, especially since he never really smiled. He just had a straight face all the time. After all, nobody really talked to him. They always just look at his beautiful features from afar and hoped he'd notice them somehow, even though he's always lost in his own world, being all mysterious and everything. Jake wondered why he couldn't be like him. Cool, smart, pretty, and just naturally adorable.

Jake realized he had been staring at Heeseung for a while, as he then cleared his throat and repositioned himself.

"So um, maybe we could hang out one day?" Jake asked with a hopeful look on his face, as he really wanted to spend more time with Heeseung and get to know him. He waited quite some time for an answer, but the answer he got was unexpected.

"Yeah, one day." Jake blinked at the response that had just now left him speechless. And with that, the bell rang, the teacher entered the classroom, and the lecture began. He looked over to his friend Jungwon, who gave him a thumbs up, mouthing the word "nice."

All Jake did in his mind was scream at the fact that he had just gotten farther than anyone who had ever tried to hang out with Heeseung at this school. He squealed quietly, knowing that he finally has some sort of a chance. As he smiled, as brightly as ever, he found himself struggling to pay attention to the lecture that had already begun a few minutes ago, as all he could think about was the very little, but still somewhat progress he was making.

To be honest, he couldn't lie. He was pretty upset that he didn't end up getting Heeseung's phone number. The fact that all he said was one day made Jake sulk a bit. Did one day mean tomorrow? Or a couple years from now? He felt ungrateful, as he knows he should be thankful he even at least got that reaction from Heeseung. But he still thinks it could've gone a bit better. Not just a couple words back and forth.

Determined, Jake realized he still had a lot of time before Valentine's Day. But he didn't want to make this a mission, or anything. He truly did like Heeseung, and thought that it would be lovely to date him.

Maybe he just had to let it come to him.



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