Happy 23rd Birthday, King!

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The date was September 7th, 2023. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today at the d'Aglior residence. After their conversation with Geralyn Vervaat (Beyond A Smile) ended, Ciel and Soleil DuBlois went back to the module info book.

Soleil: Well, Geralyn was nice.

Ciel: She sure was. Who should we talk to next? I'll let you pick.

Soleil: Hmm... How about King Heskett (Inside The Unchanging Warmth).

Ciel: King? Isn't that the name of one of Otome's pet wolves?

Soleil: Yeah, it is. It's also the name of Matthew Whitaker (Mysterious Butterfly)'s dog.

Ciel: Oh yeah.

They went over to Ciel's computer. Soleil invited King for a chat. He accepted.

Inside The Unchanging Warmth: Hi. I guess you're here to talk to me on my birthday, aren't you?

Soleil: Yep.

Inside The Unchanging Warmth: Well, thanks. I'm turning 23.

Ciel: 23? Oh, so you're done with school then.

Inside The Unchanging Warmth: Yep. Now the next thing I should do is find a job, get a girlfriend, and then get married to that said girlfriend.

Soleil: Well, we wish you luck on the job part. It's hard to find jobs lately.

Inside The Unchanging Warmth: Thanks.

Ciel: And hopefully, our friend Otome can help you find your future wife.

Inside The Unchanging Warmth: Of course.

And so, Ciel, Soleil, and King talked for a few more minutes until King had to leave.

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