Fuck school

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I woke up feeling like shit cause I need to woke up early to go to school. I want to the bathroom to do my routine after that I want and took a quick shower when I was done I saw my now school uniform on my bed "What the hell is this I am not wear that" I said to myself but I didn't know that someone was behind me it was Jake "Yes you are" he said "But the skirt is to short" I argued "Just wear shorts under" he said "But—" I got cut off "No but just go change and come down stairs breakfast is done" he said and want out. I just quickly changed before Hugo ate all the food.


_______[A/N]_______This is your school uniform __________________

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This is your school

_______[A/N]_________________and this is your jacket and you are Wearing it over your uniform and if you don't want to wear a jacket or if you don't like the jacket you can always change it or not wear a jacket if you want but now back to the Stor...

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and this is your jacket and you are
Wearing it over your uniform and
if you don't want to wear a jacket or
if you don't like the jacket you can
always change it or not wear a
jacket if you want but now back to
the Story

I was currently in the car looking annoyed because Jake was driving me to school meanwhile Mary, Mike and Hugo are going to school by themselves "Why did you need to drive me to school" I asked "Cause you are my little sister and I love you" he answered "Yeah I know but Mary is also your little sister and you love her too or are you saying I am your favorite sibling" I asked

"Aren't you being a little to cocky and I never said you were my favorite sibling" he said "But you meant it" I mumbled "I heard that" he said "I know that why I said it" I said "Okay here we are" he said "Alright see ya" I said as I opened the door to the car and as I was about to walk to the
entirety to the school.

Jake called me from the car "Hey [Y/N] love you" he said I was so embarrassed my face became rad as a tomato I walked back to the car "What the fuck was that" I said he sighed and said "Just say it" "No" I said "Come on" he insisted "Do you need me to spell it cause N-O" I argued"If you don't say it then say goodbye to your phone, tv and no fighting" he threatened

"No you can't do it" I argued "Yes I can I am the one who make's the rules" he said and smirked "UGHH FINE!" I agreed "I-I love you too" I mumbled and Jake Just smiled at me "see ya and if you tell anyone that I said that you know what's head your way" I threatened and Jake chuckled "Yeah yeah don't worry [N/N] I won't tell a soul" he responded "Don't call me that I am not a baby anymore" I said "yeah see ya" he said.

I walked to the entirety to the school and as I was walking trough the hallway and a lot of students were staring at me and whispering or can you really call it that cause I could hear them all pretty clear to call it whispering.

"Whoa check out that chick"

"I know she's damn hot"

"Should I ask her for her number"

"Nah dude you have no chance"

That's what all the guys talking about how pretty I was or that they wants to ask you out

"Did you see that girl"

"Yeah she was so pretty I wish I was as pretty as she is"

"She's probably all fake and no natural"

"Yeah she's look's like a bitch and probably is one"

And that's what all the girls were talking about how beautiful I was or just calling me a bitch or slut but I just tried to ignore them and just go to the teacher's room and get my schedule's.

I was now outside the teacher's room and I knocked on the door and heard a "come in" then I opened the door to see other teacher's working. Then a teacher looked up from his paper work and smiled "You must be [L/N] [Y/N]" he asked "Yes and are you perhaps my homeroom teacher" I asked "Yes, you can call me Mr Kim and here's your schedule, I can show you the way to your homeroom" he said

"oh thanks" I said as he stand up from the chair and walk towards the door and opened it from me I walked through the door and walked behind Mr Kim after a while we were outside the door to my new classroom and Mr Kim told me that I should wait outside the classroom until he call's me.

After explaining to me he want in all the students became quite "Good morning today we have a new transfer student please come in" after I hear that I opened the door and walked in all the students jaws dropped. As I stood there Mr Kim told me to introduce myself so I put my hands in my jacket's Pocket [if you didn't want a jacket then you just put your hands in your skit's pocket and there is a pocket in your skirt the Korean school skirt's have that]

"Hey my name is [Y/N] [L/N]" I said "Great go sit beside ummm hmm Hajun Gu" he said "Hajun! Rise your hand" he said but no one rise there hand then I heard Mr Kim sigh "Sorry about this go to the back of the classroom and sit beside the boy who's sleeping" he said "it okay"

I said as I walked to the back of the classroom many students looked at me and whispered. I was at the back of the classroom and saw a boy sleeping so I took the sit beside him. I couldn't see his face because his head was directed to the window but I didn't care I was just tired of all the students.

"Fuck school" I mumbled

That took longer then it should've been I am sorry for the mess spell's [if there is] cause it literally 3 am but I hope you like this chapter see ya ✌️

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