How it will work.

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So the draft is that we will recommend this book to people who follow as and as they get directed to this account . They would be welcomed to select the coordinator they are comfortable with and the presence of coordinator would be marked on the message board on a weekly basis and would be given a 48 hour to respond.

A book will be uploaded within a day and would be notified about it.
Official one  .

It is going to focus on

* A place to speak out
It can either be in this account Private message or specific coordinator.
* Ranting
A coordinator would direct the one to account or book to rant or pass it to next coordinator
* A solution of problem
The person could choose people who are available to find a way out from dilemma
Lastly for people who wants personalised greeting or wants to have talking buddy.

The coordinator would greet the one in need or pass it to other.

The book will also be looking forward to form a greeting buddy,
either the one would be wished by coordinator if no one appears.

We would contect daily prompt, a story ,poem or prose

Every week each cordinator would be adding a chapter where they encourage or post article that would encourage others.


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