Chapter One

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My last dream was about my Friends getting hurt and then they turned into Zombies. As i woke up i was saying that was Just a nightmare but i never thought it could be true. So let me tell you my Story.

My name is Meera Quinn. I lived with my Patents till i was 18 then i got my own Apartment. I live in San Francisco with my Cat Aris. Now im 23 years old.
"WAIT Aris thats the wrong button." I was sitting next to my pretty 'smart' cat while she was trying to solve a puzzle i gave her. "Thats the wrong button." I saig again and this time she did it right. It was 5 pm now and i still needed to go for a walk. "Aris you wait here and i will go for a walk." I said.Them I got up and put on my shoes. "should i run a bit or just walk?" i asked my self. I shrugged and chose to walk. It was cold outside and luckyli i had my jacked. About 10 minuten later i heard something in the bushes. It didnt sound like a human or like an animal. I tried to ignor it but it was following me. As i was about to say something 'it' jump out of the bushes and tried to grap me. A small scream came out of my mouth as i starred at that thing. It looked like an Zombie from those Zombie Hooror Movies. I turned in the direction of my home and ran as fast as i can. The 'zombie' ran after me and made those Zombie noises. I was scared and you could tell it just on the look on my face. I ran to the door and opened it. The Zombie ran into the door as i closed it. "Aris where are you?" i asked with a high voice. My Cat jumping around was the only thing beside me breathing that could be heard in the Apartment. I took my desk and locked with it my door (it opens to the inside). The food for me and Aris was not to little and it would last for at least one month. I closed all windows and the Curtains. The light was turned off so no Zombie would know i was here. Aris ran into the bedroom and i followed her. I layd down and closed my eyes and hoped that this was just a dream.

I think this would be a good story. Thank you for reading my other stories too and sorry that i write so many at the same time. Love you guys and good night or good day :3

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