My Character/Example Form

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Example Form (and my character!)

Name: Ichabod Ozymandias The Third

Other Names: Ozzie (most preferred), Ich (pronounced like ick), Icha

Age: Ageless, about mid-20s

Gender and Pronouns: Agender - It/its, xe/xir/xirs

Physical Description: A small creature, only about three and a half feet tall (slightly more than one meter) and weighing barely anything. It looks like a purple cloak, hovering about an inch off the ground, with tattered edges and no discernible being inside it. The only features one can see of the creature within the cloak are two glowing white eyes and a glowing white mouth that seem to hover just inside the darkness of the hood. It's actually the cloak itself, instead of a being wearing one. Two hands float nearby, with two fingers and a thumb, uncomfortably soft and fleshy in texture (like slightly hardened playdough), and it always seems to be nervously fiddling with the clasp of the hood.

Physical Abilities: Its small light form gives it the advantage of speed, and that alongside being a much smaller target gives them remarkable evasion and good reaction time.

Physical Weaknesses: It's incredibly fragile - fabric rips and tears easily, and xe's small and light, which means that it has absolutely no physical strength to speak of. Xe's also a bit of a klutz and tends to fall over their own (metaphorical) feet.

Additional Details: If you squish or throw it to the ground, it will make a squeaky-dog-toy noise.

Personality: Ozzie is a cheerful, happy-to-help employee, if a bit of a bumbling mess. It always means well and is absolutely always trying its best, but it also tends to mess up everything. Whether xe's second-guessing itself so much it can't get anything done, gets so scared that it can't do a task that frightens it, or tries to go above and beyond only to make whatever xe's doing crash and burn, it tends to either overdo it or back out out of fear or anxiety. Xe's a bit naïve, prone to oversharing, and is incredibly, painfully talkative. It's very trusting of authority and doesn't like change very much, as it's very reliant on its routines. Something changing drastically in a short period of time tends to frazzle xir, because it gives xir no time to adjust. It's not a natural leader, and prefers to follow to the beat of someone else's drum, but is very good with other people, communicating their needs and understanding what people's strengths are in order to delegate tasks - xe's held back by xir lack of confidence or courage. Xe tries to be polite and nice at all times, insisting on trying non-violent conflict resolution, and good at talking others down from a fight.

Personal Strengths: A people person, very outgoing and good at talking things out. Passionate about what xe cares about. Good at following orders and loves to be helpful. Trusting and compassionate, believes that every stranger or enemy is "just a friend you just haven't met yet!" Slow to anger and patient.

Personal Faults: Too trusting, easily flummoxed, doesn't deal with change well, easily scared, a bit of a pushover. Tends to freeze up when scared or faced with something it doesn't know how to handle well. Somewhat easily distracted.

Additional Details: It's really good with thinking analytically, even if it tends to be scattershot and run off on tangents, it likes to solve problems (and those solutions only blow up half the time!)

Job (S.O.U.L employees only): Transport (specifically maintenance and repair)

Backstory: Like most employees at S.O.U.L Headquarters, Ozzie has been working for as long as they could remember. Unlike most employees, however, it actually enjoys S.O.U.L, to an almost cartoonish degree. It loves being at work, it loves its job, it loves this company, and it's so happy to be there - it even wants to be a member of Upper Management one day. Sure, xe doesn't really get it when people complain about how they're overworked or exhausted, because that's the way it's supposed to work, but it doesn't matter, because xe loves xir job.

Important Relationships:

Zübaloo (they/them) - A fellow Transport worker, and the closest thing that xe has to a friend. They're only coworkers, which is at least six steps removed from real friendship, according to Zü, but Ozzie is absolutely convinced that they're best friends, despite the fact that Zü is about one bad day away from snapping at xir at any given time.

Ichabod Ozymandias the Second, Esquire. (it/its) - A member of Upper Management, and the "mother" of Ozzie. It's insistent that xe needs to "pull itself up by xir (metaphorical) bootstraps", and refuses to really provide help - you learn by doing, after all. Their relationship is shaky, as they haven't spoken outside of work-related issues for approximately two millenia, but Itch is convinced that everything is completely fine.

Likes: Work! It likes feeling useful and like it's contributing, and it gets a lot of self worth from being a "good employee". On a related note, it loves knowledge about S.O.U.L, and therefore knows a lot about the building and how everything works, especially the Soul Chutes. It loves to talk, especially about work, and while it doesn't have a lot of friends, it will easily latch on to others. Order and neatness is really important to xir, as xe loves when everything is nice and structured. Xe has 50 of those little themed day planners and they're all filled with plans fine-tuned to the minute, and xe enjoys color coding them in xir free time. Adores the smell of old books.

Dislikes: Things changing quickly, especially if it throws xir schedule off-balance, long stretches of silence or being alone for long periods of time. Even if xe's not interacting with anyone actively, xe still takes comfort in other people's presence, even if xe's just in the same room as a crowd. Xe actually is a bit of a technophobe, and despises how some of the Archives have switched to computers - good old fashioned paper is the best anyway. Because xe's made of cloth, xe thinks sewing is "a bit barbaric". And if you talk badly about S.O.U.L in xir presence, xe'll sputter and pout (but won't be able to work up the confidence to raise xir voice)

Fun Fact: One of xir planners is sanrio themed, and while xe doesn't get to say anything about it because no one asks, xe adores the little drawings in it - Hello Kitty is its favorite. It's xir favorite one, and the second xe finds out it's strawberry scented, xe's going to loose xir mind. 


I thought it would be nice to include an example form, featuring one of the main characters! Xe's one of the few major characters that I will be designing myself, most important main and side characters will all be from applicants - I want to include as many people as possible!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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