☆* [Hille and Cage - Dream

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-- Hille's hand grazed the tips of the tall, flowing grass as he walked through it. He was in a field; a big, plain, and out in the open field. Tall grass covered the whole area, and the blades reached up to Hille's knees. The only other thing in sight was a very distant house. He had no destination in mind; he simply walked around this beautiful field while listening to music.

This field is Hille's safe place. It's a place where he can take his mind off of real things and just take a break.

The key phrase here is that it was his, only his..

Hille hummed to the song he was playing: "Mind Over Matter (Reprise)" by Young the Giant. He loves this song, it gives him a warm sense of comfort, in a way.

He began to sing out loud, walking at a calm pace, "And if the world don't break, I'll be shakin' it, 'cause I'm a young man after all. Ooh, ooh ooh ooh~ And when the seasons change,"

"Will you stand by me?" Another voice was heard faintly. "'Cause I'm a young man built to fall, ooh."

Being skeptical about this other voice he may have heard, he went on with singing. "I missed that train, New York City, it rains.. Fly to East L.A. in big jet planes,"

"You know you're on my mind.." The new voice sang along with him.

Taken aback, Hille stops walking to look behind himself. He turned his head slowly, and when his eyes met the person who had been singing along with him, he flinched.

"What the fuck-?!" Hille jumped and took out his wired earphones. He stood in shock, eyeing the person up and down. "Cage?!"

In front of Hille stood Cage.

But Cage was not supposed to be here. This is Hille's dream, his safe place. This is supposed to be a place where only he can be.

"What-? What are you doing here??.."

Cage looked at Hille like it should've been obvious. "What? Why are you so freaked out?." He seemed confused.

Hille was probably more confused. The main question that rushed through his head was "How is he here if this is my dream?"

"Am I dead to you or something-? I'm not a ghost, I swear-." Cage chuckled lightheartedly.

Hille's eyes made him seem frustrated. Though, he was really just confused.. utterly confused.

"With the way you showed up, it feels like you are-..." Hille mumbled to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "But seriously.." He looked him in the eyes. "How.. Why are you here?"

Cage scrunched his nose, seeming like this was normal to him. "Why do you look so scared-?"

"You're avoiding the question-!." Hille snapped at him. "How are you here? Why are you following me?" He paused, thinking for a second. "Were you following me? How long have you been here?.."

He only shrugged in response. "Well, who wouldn't wanna be out here? It looks beautiful." Cage then held his hands in his pockets and gazed upon the field they both stood in.

"Yah, it is. But you're not supposed to be here."

"Why is that?"

This time, Hille didn't ask a question, so technically Cage wasn't the one avoiding a response now.

Hille scoffed in defeat, "Forget it. Just don't follow me." He turned around to face the way he was originally going and started to walk off. Cage stood the same. This confused Hille. He expected him to follow anyways. But why was this confusing? He didn't know.

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