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Joohyun didn't have the best life as an idol apart from her relationship.

She was diagnosed with diabetes. for the first few months , it was hard for her to cope with the disease with her busy schedules. It was recommended for her to wear an insulin pump at all times to ensure constant monitoring. she hid the fact from Yeonjun for a long time as she avoided his embrace and turned down his arms for a hug , it had become obvious to the point that he assumed she wanted to end it with him. Joohyun had no choice but to keep it concealed and their relationship worsened , it worsened to the point that he felt heartbroken that he didn't trust her. 

Despite the odds,  Joohyun believed that she needed to conceal a part of her to be in love with him. at one point she did feel insecure about her relationship with an idol. It was hard not deal with his fame. It bothered her because , somewhere when she saw a glimpse of their relationship being exposed to the public , it bothered her that it would break her. 

Joohyun was a disaster , but she never lost hope in her idol career. she still smiled because she was capable of standing up on her own. she believed in god that there was a significant reaosn their distance increased ,  she had begun to realise that she was much more than what he defined in her as her partner.   she was so much more than just a dancer  , or his lover.

although she was strong and could pull herself up , she struggled with the person she was behind her smile. she hung out with him , she made love with him , she spent around 6 months longing for someone she never thought would turn into someone she never wished to meet in her existence. she wanted to forget it all for sometime when she reached her humble dance room. she catches a glimpse of her in the mirror , her long black hair let loose on her shoulder , all of her bangs outgrown and pushed behind her ear . her plump soft cheek , crimson red tint and her eyes drained of the hope she had two years ago , instead her dead gaze falls on her pump that was fixed on her . she traces the wire and plucks it out of her back pocket to observe it.

It was the day of her anniversary , Yeonjun had asked her hand out for engagement. the same day she had collapsed on the bed due to low blood pressure and rushed to the hospital immediately. she still remembers clearly , the horror on his face when she was on the hospital bed with insulin introduced to her body external with the help of  a daunting medical machine with probes inserted on her fragile arms. she observes the monitor beeping with a stable and healthy amount of pressure in her body. she sighs inserting the monitor back on her back pocket before turning towards the call of her name. 

" champion?" , calls her manager as he walks towards her. He was tall and handsome and resembled the actor Hyunsik , he wore thin rimmed glasses and soft bangs covered his forehead. 

"It's Hyuna , Suki" , she replies as she observes him through the mirror

"For me you're a champion" , he admits with a soft smile.

"Do I have to have a reason to be strong ? ", she raises up her hand up to stretch her arms to warm up before practice.

" no. absolutely not. " , his smile widens.

" Good , all i need to do is live one more day " , she lowers down to untie her shoelaces already feeling the exhaustion kick in. It was all she told herself three times a day before swallowing three large colourful pills for recovery.

" we can adjust the rehearsal slot  if it gets too tight "  , he hesitates as he observes her puff her cheek struggling to stand back up on her feet.

" no,  I'll do it today" , she informs forcing herself up on the ground before walking towards the speaker.

The dance instructor leads her dance infront of her and she follows his instructions in ease. she could predict his intentions with each improvisation , her expressions were on point and he leaves with a praise enough for her to without her shoulder up high . she stood behind him gasping for air through her mouth. she takes a moment to pluck out the insulin pump monitor . It indicates that she needed to replace the source. she needed to change it immediately but she had just got into the right mood for dancing . her heart was palpitating in restlessness. she refuses to change and pushes through her dance practice session.

her body couldn't keep up with the requirement. she feels dizzy on her feet on pushing herself to the last limit. nausea evokes in her gut. she plops down on her knees on the floor to control herself , but she raises up immediately to not disrupt the practice midway. on suddenly forcing herself up, she loses her balance and falls down on the floor.

Suki who stood busy on a call , drops his call rushing towards her to support her . the dance instructor Subin , along with two more dancers help move her ad Suki guides her head to rest on his lap , " Hyuna, are you okay??", he repeatedly pats her cheek to wake her in panic.

her entire back aches with a sudden concentrated pain on her waistline. she moans twisting on the ground uncomfortably screaming out loud in extreme pain , " suki please check my mic , i think i broke it. "

her blood runs cold upon realising she wasn't wearing a mic set in the fisrt place  . her eyes widen in shock upon raising up from the ground instantly gaining energy.  her mouth falls open in shock when she reaches for insulin pump on her back pocket.

It was a bad decision to wear it on her back pocket. It wasn't comfortable on the front either .

all that didn't matter now. It was in two pieces infront her , in her shivering hands. tears erupt in her eyes upon realising that she had broken the last thing that was keeping her alive. an Insulin pump was a costly expenditure , she could not afford to replace it until her next comeback.

It was her fault that she was not careful with the pump.  she feels her gut ache with pain. she breaks down crying because of the immense guilt of breaking it.

" Hyuna darling? " 

Yeonjun stood near the door. he swings his bag strap around his shoulder to place it on the counter behind her as he bends down next to her , "You're crying ? " 

he requests the dancers and her manager to give him moment before immediately indulging in their perspectives.

he sits down next to her hearing her breath stutter as she tries to answer him. the first thing he does is lean forward to press his lips on her without hesitation to calm her down. he doesn't expect her to respond to it , but she responds to it urgently kissing him ans plucks apart breathing two times per second. It still hadn't changed the fact that her insulin pump was in two fucking pieces. Yeonjun could not fix it. 

Yeonjun observes her tug on to his shoulder lowering her head in extreme discomfort.

"Tell me what happened. " , he gently encourages her , being mindful of the fact that she was disturbed.

" Hyuna , I'm here for you , tell me all about it ", he wraps his arm around her head to pull in his embrace for a forehead kiss.

"I broke my insulin pump earlier " , she finally answers in meek voice bursting out in tears as she wraps her arms around him.

he pats the back of her head resting his chin on her forehead cuddling her like a toddler. he had never seen Joohyun so vulnerable before.

"That's alright, we can get another one for you. " , he assures her pressing his lips on her head.

" come here " , he pulls her close to his embrace and presses her tensed shoulders down , she rests her head on his shoulder in relief as she climbs upon him. Their heartbeats align. he feels complete when she wraps her arms around his neck closing the remaining distance between them.


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