Step one: Make a "friend"

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Daniel didn't have very much friends, or family for that matter. He was very lonely when he would come back from the cult at night, he would go home and sit on the couch with his cat. Sure, he had a cat, but Lucifer wasn't enough for him. Sometimes everything felt so lonely to him, the air almost felt cold and empty. Just like how he felt inside. He needed a human, or something close to it at least.

One night at a cult meeting in the compound, Daniel walked into the sacred prayer room where everyone was standing. He waved and shook hands with everyone before standing on a pedestal. He snapped to get everyone's attention, then suddenly all eyes were on him. He shivered a bit, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up as he cleared his throat.

"Everyone, listen up. I have recently spoke with Xemug. He told me we need to have basically need a translator her in our world to communicate with our lord properly." Everyone looked at each other, not sure what the blonde haired man was meaning. They soon started to talk and whisper, trying to figure it out. Daniel sighed and got their attention again, "He told me to summon one of his demons, and have it be a translator for us. Though, it will take years for it to grow and be able to understand what is happening. Like a regular child." He said, looking at the crowd. A tan skinned girl rose her hand and waited patiently for Daniel to notice her, he looked at her and nodded. "Speak." She put her hand down and spoke in a trashy basic white girl tone, "So like, who will raise the demon child or whatever it is- and like, summon it?" She asked, chewing her gum like a cow and staring at Daniel without blinking. Daniel smiled brightly, "Thank you for asking that question, Jen! I have been choosen to raise the child and summon it." He said, putting his hands on his hips confidently.

After a couple hours, he was driving home, thinking about the message he got from Xemug. He knew he needed to summon a demon, and he knew how, he was just a bit scared to be honest. He passed a bar on his way home, he quickly looked at it and slammed on the breaks. "Perfect." He said. In order to summon a demon, he needed to sacrifice someone, so all he needed to do was make a friend, lure them in, and sacrifice them. Easy.

He sighed contently as he got out of his car, he walked into the bar and looked around. He scanned peoples faces, and how they looked. He looked for the most innocent looking one, soon he came across a man sitting alone, crying. He smiled evily before going over to him and sitting down at the table, he frowned as if he was curious and felt bad for the man. "What's wrong?" He asked the man. The brunette sniffled and wiped his eyes with his sleeve, he looked at Daniel with blood red eyes from crying. Normally he wouldn't talk to anybody random, but he was caught in a sensitive time. "My boyfriend just broke up with me and left me here, He didn't even pay the bill!" Daniel gasped and looked around, "Who does that? That is so sick, I can't believe that happened. I apologize." He said, still frowning as he examined the man without blinking.
"Yeah, but shit happens I guess." He clears his throat and sits up, "I'm Ambrose." He holds his hand out for a hand shake, Daniel stared at his hand before shaking it with his cold hand. "The names Daniel, Nice to meet you, Ambrose." He smiled.

After a few hours of talking and getting to know each other, Daniel offered to take Ambrose home since he was kind of drunk and out of it. Ambrose agreed, and followed Daniel to his car. Once he got in, he leaned his head back and went to sleep. Daniel smiled and drove home. After getting home, he opened the car door and picked up Ambrose, the brunette was way smaller than him so it was easy to carry him. He took him inside and took him to the basement. He set him down in a corner, as he drew a pentagram on the floor with chalk. Soon, Ambrose woke up and watched him. He was confused and honestly starting to get scared, he slowly and quietly got up and tried to make a run for the stairs- but before he could, Daniel knocked him out with a metal bat. The brunette hit the floor stone cold, not moving at all. Daniel sighed, "Sorry bud." He said as he dragged him onto the pentagram. He stared at his lifeless face and set up his limbs so they would line up with the lines of the pentagram. He took his dagger out of his pocket and stabbed him in the chest before reaching in and pulling it heart out. Blood got on his clothes, he huffed and set the heart aside. Now the hard part was over, now he just needed to wait. He stepped out of the pentagram and wiped himself off, soon, Ambrose's body was sucked into the floor but his heart was left. The pentagram glowed red as a new body started to form in place of Ambrose. A small body. Daniel watched closely as a baby was soon on the pentagram, the baby was asleep soundly. They had horns and a tail. Daniel stood there in shook before picking up the baby with a smile. "Oh my god...It actually worked!" He said, happily.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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