Chapter One: The Clock

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There it was, in Starcourt Mall with us. Footsteps rattling the ground more, and more. Getting closer, and closer. I was shaking so intensely that it looked as if I was having a seizure. Every time I took a breath, I was panting. Trembling, under my breath, I said, "Inhale... exhale... inhale... exhale." It suddenly became quiet. All I could hear was the beating of my own chest. I started to shut my eyes, when, "DONG!" My back shot up, eyes wide open. Sweat was bleeding through my Hellfire Club t-shirt. I look across my shoulder to see Max, on the opposite side of the bed. Her voice slowly fades in as I process what just happened. She wrapped her arms around me, trying to comfort me. I told her that I had a nightmare, again.


It was supper that same night. Max had gone home earlier that day. My mother, Karen, had made a family favorite, chicken casserole. We sit in silence. My father, Ted, ate on the Lazy Boy as usual. I gaze out the window to see a tall-like shadow, lurking in the shrubs. I began to breathe faster, until my focus suddenly came back to the table as Karen spoke.
"So, how's the casserole?" She says, as we regain attention.
"Oh, it's good Mom," my twin brother Mike says.
I doze off again and my hearing focuses on the sounds of everyone scraping their glass plates with metal forks. I hear the game show Ted is watching, although he is probably asleep. I hear a slight drizzle tapping the window. I hear the swallowing of bubbly soda from Mike. I hear a muffled voice, but not loud enough to understand. It slowly fades in until it grabs my attention.
"Carson!!" Karen yells.
"Oh, sorry," I say quietly.
"Are you okay carsee?" Holly says innocently.
"I-I'll be back," I stutter as I speed walk to the stairs and up to my room. I locked it on the way in so I can have some privacy. I lay facing my pillow and tear up fast. Before I ball my eyes out, I get my walkie-talkie to talk to my girlfriend, Max. She picks up almost immediately, explaining how she was crying after her dog was killed by a bear.
We both cried together the whole night, constantly, without even making conversation. I heard sounds from my past. I heard the sounds of my cries as Max's step-father was beating me because he said I wasn't good enough for her. I heard the sounds of the shattered glass on my back after being thrown with such force. Loudest of all, I heard the sobbing of Max having to watch the entire thing.


Beams of light filled the room. I woke up with dried tears filling my face. The batteries of my walkie-talkie were drained out from it being turned on all night. I packed a bag to spend a day at Max's trailer. I added an extra pair of clothes in case. I brought some of our favorite VHS tapes to watch, as well as our favorite snacks. I wanted today to be as mentally-positive as possible.
Nancy drove me over since she was already on her way to see Jonathan. I liked her better with Steve, but now ella stole his heart.
As I pull into the trailer park, I glance over to see her dog laying awkwardly in the middle of the fenced in area.
"Carson," Nancy says softly.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"I know that what you've been going through is hard. But seriously, have fun."
I grab my bag, and step out of the car. Nancy drives off with purpose. The ground was damp from the rain last night. As my shoes squish through the dirt, I look in my bag to make sure I got everything. As I look back up, the sky turns dark gray. Particles float from the sky like snow on a winter morning. Lightning strikes the forest in the distance. Out of nowhere, my nightmares finally make sense, as I hear a soul crushing sound..."DONG!"

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