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S/N = Sisters name

*sigh* "Another birthday still look the same, looked this way far the past few years demons never age after 21" I hear a knock on the door "come in" S/N walks in "omg why the hell are you still in bed" S/N said as she grabbed a pillow and threw it me "I'm not doing anything today, its the same thing every year, everyone comes over, dad throws a huge ball and head going to betroth me to another kingdom " S/N sighs "why don't we see that little kitten you've been hiding?" I sit up quickly "w..what?? what kitten" S/N gives me a look "I know you've got a kitten somewhere I've seen it outside "I sighed "fine lets go see them" S/N giggled "you know dad is going to get mad that you've been hording a kitten" I roll my eyes "I don't care what dad says, he tells me not to do a lot of things and I still do them" I get out of bed them I hear a voice at my door "is that so?" I turn to see my mom S/N laughed  "oop she heard you" our mom just smiled "what are you doing?" our mom asked "you should be putting on a  dress, one that will look beautiful to everyone's eyes" I look at her "why?" she looks at me and rolls her eyes " your know your father is going to throw a ball he does it every year on your birthday" I plop down on my bed "ughhhhhhh I don't want a ball I hate  those stupid balls" out mom sat next to me " I told your father you didn't like these balls, but alas he will throw one anyway just try to smile and be happy your father does love you he just doesn't know how to show it" I look at our mom "*sigh* fineeeeee, ill get dressed" I get up and go to my closet "how about this one? its a all F/C  V-neck dress with S/F/C roses going across the chest and the side it had a see through back and it was a cocktail dress" my mom stared at me then at the dress " I said something that is beautiful to the eyes" I sighed " this is beautiful" my mom shook her head "scooch let me look for something" I moved out the way and let my mom do her magic she pulled out an F/C dress with S/F/C flowers on the front and a fluff bottom "how about this one?" I look at her then the dress "I um... I like the other one better" my mom sighed "its a ball not a late night in the club, go try it on I wanna see how it looks" I groaned and tried it one " awwwww you look so good in that dress Y/N" I looked like I didn't want to be here " I don't like it I wanna wear the other dress please" my mom shook her head no "that dress is not suited for a ball" I sat down next to her "pleaseeeeeeeeeee" she sighed and said " if you wear that dress you are going to wear a corset" my eyes widen " WHATTTTTT????!??!?!??!?!?!?"

that's it for chapter one srry its so short :)

 see ya lil Dokusha's

Sebastian X Y/N demonxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now