chapter 1

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~~~ Life is full of obvious thing which nobody by any chance ever observes. ~~~

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"Would you like to say anything in your defence.?" A strong and rough voice said. I averted my eyes from the polished dark brown wooden flooring to the owner of this irritating voice. He was a man in black suit, standing in front of me with his arms folded, a smile plastered on his face and eyes showing the brightness. I hate happy people, I don't get it why this lawyer is so happy, may be because he has won this case said my inner voice.

It was difficult to breath siting in the small cubical known as defence box. I looked around the dark room which was in pin drop silence except the voice of moving ceiling fan. There was numerous people around here siting on benches doing variety of works, some were writing down the report of every second passed, some where reading file and than there were people who were look at me which utter hate in their eyes. After all, I was labeled as a murder.

"Let me ask you again Ms.Petterson... Would you like to say anything in your defence.?" That tall man asked me again. I hate him. I hate every one. I did not said a word in respond. Just stared at him. Why is he irritating me.! Cant he see that I don't want to speak. I want to be left alone. Leave me alone.! I shouted in my head but dare not say on his face. May be I deserved this. May be I am a disgrace to this world. May be I don't have any right to live in this society. May be I shouldn't have been alive.

"Your honour, as you see that this lady who is not speaking a single word in her own defence, as she has been accused for murdering her own mother, father and attempting to kill her own sister, according the police reports, which are on your table and she has not even appointed a attorney to defence on behalf of her so I strongly believe that she finds herself guilty." He completed his cruel words as if I was not present there. Everyone here thinks that I the one who killed my dad and my mom, but how can I kill my own parents who brought you in this world!. How can I even attempt to kill my own elder sister who showed me how to love. How can I even think of killing my own family who were the sole reason for my living. I shared my happiness, my sadness, my first victory, my first defeat, my first crush, my first love, my everything to my mom and dad, than how can I even think of....??

I closed my eyes and braced myself from crying. Whatever reports they are having is not true. There has to be some mistake. I cant kill them....

"With your permission your honour, I would like to have some word with her sister, Ellena, who is our eye witness and a victim as well." That tall man said again.

"Permission granted." Said a middle aged man siting on a stage like thing in the middle of the room. He seemed powerful.

"Thank you."

I saw my sister who looked miserable and not the usual beautiful that she always looked. Her Carmel eyes, which we both inherited from our mother were now dull and puffy. Her nose and eyes were red indicating that she might have cried all night, or may be more.

"Ms.Petterson, can you please narrate the incident happened in your house two days ago.?" Asked that tall man to my sister. She did not even once looked at me or in my eyes. All I wanted from her is to hug me and tell me that this all is a nightmare or at least tell me that I am innocent. But she did not. Was I that disgraceful.? Was she ashamed of me.? Her own younger sister. Does she believed in everything but me.?

"Yes, how can I forget that day, it was my mothers birthday. We planned to give her a surprise, so I was given the task to bring all the decorations, Aahna was suppose to bring cake and papa was suppose to keep mom out of the house till we decorate the house. Everything went as planned. Mom was surprised when she came back, I still cant forget the joy in her eyes...."

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