Forgotten Child

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There he was, standing in the middle of nowhere, thinking of what has gotten into him. Maybe it was darkness? No. It can't be that. It's more like a evil in him that just, tore him apart. This is the story of how one thing changed a 7 year old's life.

It all started on March 27th, 1999, at the age of 6. When the boy, Chris was playing with his friends, Todd and Bob, he saw something in his closet fidgeting. When he opened it, a mist of black just when right in his body. He was wreckless then.

Now, he ended up in the desert due to the evil he has done. Neglected, never cared for. He was falsly thrown away for nothing. He cryed for a straight 10 minutes, which was good to keep him somewhat hydrated. He starts his journey of pain, and courage.

Part 2

At 7 PM, temperatures started to lower. This made him fall to the ground in happyness, to feel the breeze. Until the blaze of a scorpion's sting stopped it. He was screaming in agony, and squash the scorpion to bits. Then, a figure was in front of him, about half a mile. It seem to be a tall man in a suit. Then, Chris said, "Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?" It was still quiet. The figure started getting closer. "Get away from me!" He started running and a minute later, he was dying for breath. He turned around and no one was there. When he turned back, the man was in front of him, 10 feet away.


Part 3

"Ahhhh!", screamed Chris. "What do you want!? Get away!" He was about to collapse. The man finally said, "I'm here to take you." Chris said, "Where?"



It's a place with paradise environment."

"The Beach? I don't want to go to the beach!"

"It's somewhere you always want to be at."

A huge gust of sand pushed him down and blinded him. When he was able to see again... The man was gone.

Part 4

He was still walking around, in terror. It was still bright, but not for a long time. In half an hour, the sun would fall, and the moon would come up. "So-s-so c-coold..." he said. Thump...... Thump...... Thump... Thump... Thump. Something was coming. He started running away, looking back to see if anything was there. Nothing. When he turned back. He was about to die. He saw the biggest Grim Reaper: 8 feet tall, and had a 12 feet scythe. "Prepare to meet the scythe of death, my child. Welcome to the Desert of Neglection and Legends, where legends and neglected, live. But, neglected are killed when found by legends, so you're a neglected!" The scythe started getting surrounded by an aura of red orange like lights. It got bright, so bright, he had to squint. Then, he saw the Reaper slashing the scythe to him. He knew it was over. BOOM!

Part 5

He was still alive, surpisingly. Sand was everywhere. All he heard was 2 voices. "I shall take over the world, fool!" "Pathetic, you need a weapon to do so?" A great burst of wind came out of nowhere. "Leave the child alone, got it? Never, EVER, touch him again." it was the man. He took down the Reaper. The Reaper then, flew away.

The man said, "Are you ok?" Chris said, "Yah... I'm ok. Anyway, your name?" The man said, "I... Don't ha- have a name" Chris screamed. "What!? That's outrageous!" "Well, I have a name, but... It's an adjective." "What is it?..." "Slender."

Chris's eyes dropped, and his eyes grew full of tears: Slenderman. He was encountering slenderman, the man in a suit, no face, and abducts kids. He started stepping back. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you." He stopped moving, just looking. He was confused: Didn't Slender have a scary reputation? Then, he just, vanished. There, the Reaper stand again.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of, "Forgotten Child"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2013 ⏰

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