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"Find What You Love and Let It Kill You" was inspired by the real-life story of Elizabeth Kendall, as depicted in her book "The Phantom Prince", as well as the portrayal in Netflix's " Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile", a film centered around Ted Bundy and Elizabeth Kendall's experiences.

I want to make it abundantly clear that my intention is not to show any disrespect to the victims, their families, or friends who endured the tragic events involving Ted Bundy or similar horrifying incidents. Learning about each victim's story was deeply distressing, and it pained me to see such cruelty exist in our world, robbing us of beautiful, lovely, and bright individuals.

May their souls rest in eternal peace.

Elizabeth Kendall's unwavering strength was a remarkable source of inspiration. She is undeniably a profoundly resilient woman, and I hold immense respect for her and her daughter, Molly, who were both profoundly impacted by the tragedy and victimized by Ted Bundy.

I want to clarify that my fictional characters are entirely distinct from any real individuals. They were never meant to impersonate anyone from reality. I created them and this story with the aim of exploring the intricacies of psychology and perhaps attempting to empathize with Elizabeth Kendall's perspective. Through my character Chloe, I navigated the challenging decisions one might face in such harrowing circumstances.

One of the most demanding aspects of my writing journey was tackling the trial scenes. Delving into this unfamiliar territory required extensive research and hours spent watching documentaries to provide me with the necessary guidance for crafting those pivotal chapters.

In the end, this fictional exploration serves as a means to delve into the complexities of human nature, to understand the blurred lines between love, despair, and the unimaginable darkness that can exist within a person's soul.

It's a testament that allows us to step into different shoes, even if just for a moment, and gain a deeper understanding of the human experience. As we reflect on the tragedies that have unfolded in the real world, we are reminded of the importance of empathy, compassion, and the collective responsibility to prevent such horrors from happening again.

In honoring the memory of those who have suffered, we strive to ensure that their stories are not in vain. We vow to never forget, to learn from the past, and to work towards a world where love triumphs over darkness, and where the beauty of life is cherished and protected above all else.

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