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I woke up in Ari's bed and I lightly shook her so she would wake up. It was unfortunately Monday. We went downstairs and I saw Minho still sleeping.
I lightly shook him too.
He woke up and tiredly stared into my eyes.

"It's time to wake up Minho." I said quietly.

"Jisuuuung, I don't want to get up." he complained

"you don't have a choice." I said and went to the kitchen. I took bowls and spoons and put it at the table with some milk and cereals. Just as I prepared it, Ari came down the stairs.

"come have breakfast, peanut." I said as I pointed at a chair. She sat down, Minho slowly following afterwards. We ate, even tho I didn't feel hungry, Minho made sure of that

I don't know if I love him or hate him for that.

I then put the bowls in the sink and we went to get ready. We had to go a little earlier, so we could talk with the teacher. I went to Ari's room to take her bag, but just as I was walking down the stairs, I missed a step and I fell. I was sure I was gonna fall to the ground, but something unexpected happened:

Minho moved his body in front of me and he caught me. He had his hands around my waist and I was leaning on him. He pulled away and made sure I stood.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, looking into my eyes.

"...yeah" I said, also looking into his eyes, getting lost in them.

"MINHO HYUNG, HANNIE OPPA, WE HAVE TO GOOO!" Ari yelled at us, waking us up from our trance.

I ran up to her and picked her up. I took her little bag and I was ready to head out, when Minho stopped me. He took the bag and said

"I will take this."

I nodded and thanked him.

We then went to her kindergarten and we had a lot of fun going there.
When he reached the kindergarten, we went inside together. Ari went to play with her friends and I went to the kindergarten teacher. She was young, probably like four years older then us.

"Excuse me, miss Park. I want to make this guy a legal guardian, so you can give Ari to him.

"oh, okay. What is your name?" she asked Minho

"Lee Minho."

"what is your relationship with Han? I need to know that so we can make you a legal guardian. are you his boyfriend?"

"n-no, he is my best friend." I said.

how could she think me and Minho are dating?
That is so absurd......right?

"oh okay. I need you to sing this Han."

she said and gave me some document and I read it. it was just something saying that they are legally allowed to give him Ari and he can take her. I sighed it.

"okay. now you're allowed to pick Ari up." she said to Minho and he nodded.

I waved at Ari. She smiled at me and waved back. Then we went to our school.

It was kind of silent, until he asked me:
"So, Felix is coming back today, right?"

"Yeah, he texted me yesterday."

he nodded. the rest of the trip was kind of awkward.

we got to school and we saw a crowd of people. They were all in front of the school. I was confused, but then I saw it. In the school were seven new students. They were really hot and all of the students pushed to the windows so they could see them. The school wasn't opened yet, they went there earlier so they could get a tour of the school in peace.

"That's a lot of people." Minho said


I saw jisung playing with his fingers.

"I don't want to go to that crowd." he said

"hey, calm down. we can wait, it's okay."

he nodded.

But of course that fate had other plans. Felix came out of nowhere and pulled jisung into the crowd. Jisung tried to stop him, but he didn't hear him.

I was worried, so I followed them. I was pushing through the crowd, but then, the worst thing happened.

they opened the school

people were pushing trough, they wanted to see those guys up close.

I didn't care, I needed to find jisung

I saw him. People were bumping into him and I could tell he was really scared.
Someone pushed him really hard.

he this crowd.

I ran up to him and I quickly stood in front of him, so he wouldn't get hurt, but he already had some bruises.

I gave him a hand and I he stood up. He buried his head in my chest and I putted my arms around him. I protect him with my body. We just stood there, not moving. I wasn't gonna risk anything. When the crazy people finally got to school. I looked at jisung. He was really anxious and his lip was busted. He also had few bruises on his face. I just looked at him, checking his face.

I then wanted to check his arms, if he had any bruises there. But he stopped me.

"That's okay. I'm fine." he said

I just looked at him.

"Let's go to the nursery." I said and I gently took his arm.

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