Chapter 10

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It's been a few days after Elysias funeral, besides my duties, I've locked myself up in my room for a few days. The pain comes harder than I imagined. Even though she liked to use me for her personal benefit, she was my sister.

"Come on, [name]. Don't pity yourself and get out of these cursed walls, "I encourage myself. My confident smiles fade away when I think about it. I've been locked up in my room for so long, seeing the same walls. Now I'm free, and here I am, locking myself up. But it doesn't matter, I'm not that girl anymore and I'm going to enjoy life to my fullest!

I put on a dress and take a parasol with me. I go outside my room, and the fresh air creeps into my nose as I finally go outside again. I walk quickly through the halls. I see Aric standing in the hallway. He seems to be focused on some books. Even though he doesn't earn my trust, he is part of the castle duty. "Aric." My voice snaps him out of the story as he looks up at me, waiting patiently for the rest of my sentence. "Where is Kemet?"I ask. "Training. Something wrong, my queen?" He asks a but worried. "Nothing is wrong," I give him a reassuring smile. "Where is Raheem?"
"In his quarters," replies Aric again. "Alright, thank you." Before Aric can reply, I already walked past him with a fast pace. I'm planning to do way more than just come out of my room.

"Raheem?" I open the door to see a small room with just a bed and wardrobe. Raheem sits on his bed, his dark hair beautifully falling down on his broad bare shoulders. He doesn't wear anything to cover his chest, and I don't blame him. It's hotter than usual. His golden eyes meet mine, as the sun lights up his skin like diamonds. "I want you to be my guide." Raheem doesn't know what to say for a few moments, looking confused. "We're going out." "Going out to where?" He asks. "Yes, it's time to see the village. From what I have seen from a window, it has changed a lot." I can't hold back my excitement, I try to stay professional, but I can't hold it quite well. My body wants to jump like a little kid, but instead, I just move around quickly. "Take your stuff. I want you to guide me."

Me, Raheem, and Valarian sit in a carriage as we go to the village. "Are you sure this is the right time to explore the village?"asks Valarian with a hint of worry in his voice. Even though his face stays rather emotionless, his eyes show a glint of concern. "Yes, I've been hiding long enough," I say with confidence. "Your parents-" "They're dead," I quickly interrupt. Hearing him saying my parents doesn't make me happy. My parents were wonderfully people, and so is Valarian, but my parents gave Valarian orders to keep me in my room. He was a bit too good at it. I don't want him to follow those orders any longer. I have control of my power, and my own people don't dare to hunt me down anymore. There is a tension in the air, and Raheem stiffens a bit keeps his lips pressed together, not saying a single world. Valarian is also taken aback by my quite aggressive response. The look on my face softens, and I force a small smile. "They don't give you orders anymore," I say in a small warning voice. Just then, the carriage stops, and Raheem looks out the window. "We're here," he says and opens the door for us. I follow right behind him while Valarian's eyes pierce through my back, and he lets out a soft, worried sigh.

I open the parasol, not letting the sun hit my skin. I see a busy street before me. People are walking around, going through small stores and tents. Some are enjoying themselves, otherwise just want to buy food with the little money they have. Above me, clothes hang to dry, the houses are small and simple. Women and children are doing the laundry mostly when others are cleaning. The dynamic between men and women hasn't changed in Solara, but I'll make sure it will.

I go through the large street, my eyes looking at every stall I can see. Some have juwels, food, or just stuff. "It's been so long," I whisper to myself. The last time I had been here was with my sister. My sister snuck us out of my room, and we escaped to the village. It didn't end well, though. Two teenage girls with a lot of money in their pockets, we stood out. It wouldn't take long before they would steal or money or even tried to rape us once. Valarian saved us that day. He was just in time. He wasn't even my bodyguards back in the day. My parents were so thankful he gave him a job in the castle. He became a guard and later my personal bodyguard. I guess that's why I always liked him. I felt genuinely safe with him, and he needed desperately the money back then, so it was a win-win situation. I guess not only with me is the memory fresh but with Valarian as well. Out of the side of my eye, I see Valarian, his light skin shining in the sunlight. He was born in Solora, but he was more light than other people here. However, he still shares the same thick skintecture as everyone else so he could stay in the sun.

Then suddenly a loud scream brings us back to reality...

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