[Art is not mine]
Just a couple more Idea's.
{Lyla's Best Friend}
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. [Name]-{Sophia "Alexia" Jeager}
[Love Intrest]-{Unknown}
[Quote's & Phrases]-{"If you haven't had Fun, you've never lived!" "Dancing is just like Walking, tough to learn at first but it get's easier with time." "Blue equal's good, Red equal's bad! That's what I say!"}
[D.N.A Background]-{(80% European) (20% Southern American)}
[Nickname's]-{(Ms Fantastic)<-(Cheer Squad) (Rubber Girl)<-(Cheer Squad) (Blondie)<-(Jake Jeager) (Sophie)<-(Friend's)}
[Height]-{5'5 Ft/165.1 Cm}
[Personality]-{(Fun-Loving) (Good Hearted) (Bubbly) (Up beat) (Childish) (Trusting) (Social)}
[Spoken Language's]-{(English) (Dutch) (French) (Turkish) (Romanian)}
[Family]-{(Mr Jeager-Father) (Ms Jeager-Mother) (Jake Jeager-Elder Brother)}
[Like's]-{(Cheerleading) (Acrobatics) (Social Media) (Slushies) (Fashion) (Romance Movies) (Romance Novels) (Love Song's)}
[Dislike's]-{(Firework's) (Gun's) (War Movies)<-(She cries when they get sad) (Horror Movies) (Bullies) (Cat's)<-(She's afraid of them) (Blood)}
[Friend's & Allies]-{(Sideswipe) (Autobot Faction) (Jake Jeager) (Nathaniel Jackson) (Lyla Brooks)}
[Enemies]-{(Galvatron) (Decepticon Faction) (Unicron)}
[Goal's]-{(Become a Famous Model) (Overcome Her fear of Cat's) (End the War between the Autobots & Decepticons)}
{Sophia's Guardian}
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