it was a beautiful friday morning. there's something that i've always wanted to do with g. the past few months, i haven't had the time to. so today, i will do something that will make gionna happy. i walk in the house g is eating breakfast, "hey babe" g says "hi beautiful, hey i have some errands to run today, i want you to go with me, i know you were supposed to go with your friends and i'm not holding you back or anything it's just i want you to be with me" g smiles at me "they cancelled so i'm free" , "wait what?" g laughs "haha yeah i'll follow you" g finishes eating goes wash her dishes and goes to her room to get ready. we left the house and went to the mall, we went to michael kors. i went to the jewelry shop, and bought a ring. i put it in my bag and went back to g, she was finished and only bought a shirt. "ummm what's your errands?" g looks at me and laughs, i smile "i just want to spend the day just appreciating you and how lovely you are" g gives puppy eyes "stopppp" g hugs me. eventually we left the mall i showed her a picture on my phone of the hotel that she's in love with "OMG YOU GOT A ROOM?!!!" , "that i did baby" , "why are you doing all this for me?" g asks "because babe, i just love you and i wanna show you how much i love you" , g grabs my arm and hugs me. we went home packed our bags and went to the hotel. (photo below) !!
we went to our room and g laid on the bed. night time came and we went down to the bar and had a lot of drinks. i went to the room and decorated it for her. eventually we went back into the lobby we went back into the room i covered her eyes "i got something for you baby" g laughs "what is it?" we entered the room "okay baby" i removed my hands from her eyes and she freaked out the bed was surrounded by candles, roses and chocolates are on the bed with wine glasses on the table. the roses on the bed spelled "will you marry me?" she started crying i got down on a knee "gionna jene daddio will you marry me?" g cries more "yes yes a thousand times yes" she hugs me and squeezes me, "i love you so much my love thank you very much" , "i called you my girlfriend, for a very long time i said to myself that one day i'm gonna call you my wife, i'm a step closer" g smiles "i love you" g starts eating the chocolates and we drink our wine. we watched movies and slept at 3 in the morning. she's my fiancé now, i can't wait to call her my wife. she's the most beautiful woman i have ever laid my eyes on.