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Chanel pov

"How are you?" Buck asked as i got into his car

"Fine, can you just bring me to my house?" I asked as he sighed before heading to my house

"I really am sorry, Chanel" he said looking at me before looking back at the road

"It's fine. Im over it" I said waving him off

He sighed as we got to my house, i got out going to shut the door as i stopped and turned to him "Hey, give that one roommate my number" I smiled shutting the door behind me, ignoring him calling my name

"You guys dont have to be here with me, you know" My dad said looking at Chim and I as i waved him off

"yeah, well all of this is only happening because im th eone who made you get your blood drawn. I feel obligated" Chim said as i looked at him

"Well im glad you did, if not imagine in a few years something happens and we cant stop it, better to find out earlier and stop it if we can" I said as Chim smiled at me

"Always forget your a doctor" My dad said smiling at me

"Chief Resident" I said laughing a little

"Listen we're here for you, no matter what that doctor has to say, right?" Chim said looking at me as i nodded

"Right" i smiled, as someone knocked on the door before coming in

"Mr. Nash"

"Yeah" my dad said standing up

"Thank you for coming in so quickly, also pleasure to meet one of the youngest doctors to be Chief Resident" He said shaking mine and my dad's hand

"There are some findings in your blood work that are time sensitive" The doctor explained before looking at Chim

"Hes good. You can speak freely and directly. No need to sugarcoat" He said as the doctor nodded

"Please" he said motioning to the seats, as we all went to sit down

"Thanks" i said looking at Chim as he pulled up a chair for me

"Have you ever head of rhesus disease?" The doctor asked as i felt my heart stop

"Uh, no. How bad is it?" My dad asked

"Its terrible. Fatal is most cases. But you dont have it" he said as i finally let out a breath, placing my had on my chest

"Oh God, you cant do that to me" I said taking a deep breath

"It only effects pregnant women and their fetuses"

"im-im sorry. i dont understand"

"There are some 4,000 cases of rhesus in newborns each year. You are almost an identical match to a man in Australia names James Harrison. For decades, his donated blood saves the lives of more than two million children. They call him the man with the golden arm. Well, now, it seems you have one, too. If you would fill this out. We would love to get you into our rare donor's program as soon as possible. We could set up regular donations. There are babies at this very moment who need you" The doctor explained handing my dad some papers

"Thank you"

"Congratulations" The doctor said shaking my dad's hand as my dad nodded

"Yeah" he said shaking his hand

"Well, dude, i guess you're gonna have to get over your fear of needles, huh?" Chim laughed standing up

My dad sighed shaking his head, as i stood up

I was at the fire station with my dad and Chim after the doctors, i had offered to cook something in honor of the good news, even if my dad was still scared of needles.

i was about to put the food in the oven as the alarm went off, i groaned setting it back down and turning the oven off

"Nel, you coming?" Hen asked rushing down the stairs

"uh, why not" I shurgged, i was dressed in my scrubs from earlier, as my dad tossed me one of his old jackets, the name "Nash" printed on the back

"One day we can get you your own" He smiled getting into the truck as i followed "

9-1-1 call

"9-1-1 what's your emergency"

"he's uh.. hes just staring at me. he wont take his eyes off me. It's-ts like he's.. its like he's studying me. Th-this isn't good"

"Zoo security's been alerted. They're on their way to you now"

"Nows not gonna be soon enough, ok? Ive been on the safari. i know how fast these things can move."

"Sean, im being told your best course it to remain very still. Sean? Sean? Sean, tell me what's happening"

"Oh, God! I made it! im in the, uh, th-the flamingo thing. Tell the zoo security im in the flamingo thing, all right? Oh crap."

"Where's the tiger now?" My dad asked looking at one of the zoo keepers

"east side of the park. Nowhere near where we're going. He's going a visitor pinned. Soot team's en route now"

"You're gonna shoot him?" I asked as he looked back at me

"That's just not right" Hen added

"Protocol is to tranquilize first, if at all possible"

"How did the tiger escape in the first place?" My dad asked looking at him

"Apparently, he was able to jump to the top of the wall and gain enough leverage to pull himself out" He explained as Athena came over to us

"Tiger's trainer tried to wrangle him after he got loose. This aint pretty, Nel get ready." She said brining us over to the tiger keeper, he had a towel covering his arm

"Here let me see" i said setting my bag on the table as i sat next to him

"Its uh, its called degloving. Th-the car actually peels the skin back with his claws" The tiger keep explained

He took the towel off as i sucked in a breath "Okay, hen will you give me the saline? Second pocket?" I asked as she nodded giving it to me as i sprayed some onto his arm

"Okay, i have to disinfect it, its gonna burn like hell"

"How come it didnt just kill you?" Buck asked looking at him as he groaned from the burning of the saline

"Ive known Kobe since he was a cub. He didnt wanna hurt me. He was just.. he was just confused" he said shouting as i pressed on his arm

"If im real careful we can preserve the skin. Just a little plastic surgery and you're gonna be as good as new" I said grabbing a wrap and tightly wrapping after putting gauze on it as Athena's walkie talkie went off

"All units responding to Barnsdale Zoo. I have an adult male in distress, east side of the park. He identified himself as Sean Coopertino, 47, of Riverside. Say's he's hiding near the giraffe enclosure"

"Show 727-L-30 responding"

"Cant be the same guy, can it? That'll be just too weird" Hen asked looking at me

"Sam guy as what?" I asked finishing wrapped his arm as she was holding it straight

"Sean Coopertino. The dentist from Riverside" She said looking at me as i looked at her

"No way" I whispered looking at her, he was the dude that had a Lion killed so he could hang the head in his office.

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