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Manik kissed her forehead nandini made a bit distance from him nd said

Nan-manik u shld leave it's late...

Mnk-late for what!???he asked confusingly

Nan- I mean tommorow morning chacha Chachi will come tomorrow and rishabh is also sleeping so tum..

Mnk- I am not scared of anyone u know that..he said carefreely and sat on sofa

Nan- I guess u should go to soha's house I mean she cares for u soo much I mean in morning also ohh manik hi manik...huh..she said and looked away angrily manik now realised she was jealous of soha!

Mnk- umm ur right she cares for me alot like she can't see me in pain how sweet na! Nandu!?

Nan-yeah soo sweeet so u shld not be here get out!

Mnk-what *getting up* srsly get out!?*he said dramatically*like how mean u want ur husband to be out huh? He made fake crying face

Nan-first of all am not 18yet so this marriage doesn't counts ok and good night.. she said and left upside to her room manik Immediately runs behind her nandini entered inside manik also entered from behind and lock the door

Nan- manikk.she said turning to him


Nan-why did u locked the door?she asked raising her eyebrows

Mnk- don't worry am not gonna do what ur thinking rn..well I am feeling sleepy

Nan-go to soha's house. She said Angrily and slept on bed covering duvet

Mnk- what!!?? Listen nandini *no response* nandini*no response*u know...he came and layed beside her and started tickling her

Nan- manik what ru *laughing* manik leave..*laughing*
Manik stopped she turned towards him

Mnk- Say?

Nan-ur still here?

Mnk- am not going nandini lemme sleep..he said and covered both of them with duvet..

Nan- what the hell!!

Mnk-shh good night...he said and hugged her..


Mnk-I can here nandini I know my name has also been saved by u as monster hmm so sleep...

Nan- monster!monster! Monster!
-he completely ingnored nandini with no option left slept there

At saxena mansion
Door bell rang she opened the door and saw Harshad
She just left inside seeing him

Har- alya!he left behind her and hold her hand

Alya-what Bhai?

Har- aren't u Happy after seeing me??

Alya- I was soo Happy when u weren't here..

Har-kiddo!(he said in dishearted tone) I am ur brother

Alya-no*jerking his hand* if u ever loved me then u wouldn't have done this with my frnds

Har- frnds frnds kiddo why don't u understand they are trying to separate me and u?!!

Alya- no they are my family! I hate u bhai..she left

Har- ahhh!!

Scene change
At murthy house
It was 3:00am
Manan were sleeping
Suddenly Manik's sleep broked
He looked around he realised nandini was sleeping beside him he looked at her he picked up phone
And saw some messages from the great NEYONIKA 🥴

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