lovenote for the random reader.

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  • Dedicated to I dedicate this short monologue to anyone who's ever needed a pick me u

My heart is a mangled mess.  It will be this way for the rest of my days.  But that's not gonna stop me from loving you.  I want to love you even when you make me feel down and shitty.  I want to love you when you build me up and i break you down.  I don't want our love to fade, and if it does, i don't want you to end up another shard in my ice palace of a heart.  I want our love to grow.  I want it to push up through the mangled roots and the broken coverups.  I want it to shake off the band-aids i've tried applying countless times to make the pain go away.  If I am gonna love you, love you like you deserve, then i want to not only love you through the pain, but i want to love you because of the pain.  If what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, than I want you to be my Acme dynamite.  I want to hold you and feel the fireworks.  I wanna fall so hard that my body becomes a sheet of paper.  I want to love the way you always leave the cap off the toothpaste in the morning and how you hog all the covers in our bed.  I want to love you when Valentine's day comes around and neither of us feels angry at the world or mad because we are "Forever Alone".  I want to look in your eyes when we fight and see through our rage that our love can weather any storm.  I want us to grow as lovers, as friends, as soulmates because we can look past all the stupid crap and see the daylight in our little garden.  I want to know that when i water the mangled roots of the heart i used to have that i will still get to see the beautiful perfection that is your face.  I want you to know that i will love you, through the pain and the heartache.  I will love you even when we rip each others throats out.  We can grow together because of our pain, and when you read this, whoever you are, I want you to know that i will you.

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