𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐩

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The campers trekked through and around the jungle until they reached the raptor paddock's sizeable concrete structure. The campers cautiously stepped into the paddock, looking around. Darius stood on the cross-shaped platform above the others, holding the camcorder.

"Where do we look?" Ben asked.

Darius inspected the feed they had watched earlier. He pointed one way, "I think it's a little to the left." Below him, Kenji crouched by some giant ferns.

"Right there!"

Darius pointed near Kenji, who was on his hands and knees by some ferns. Kenji looked under the plants and spotted a ball of scrunched-up paper. He reached out and grabbed it, grinning widely.

"Found it!"

The campers raced to where Kenji kneeled as he unrolled the paper. There was writing and the initials HB with brachiosaurs beside it. Sammy stood behind Kenji and read out what Brimford wrote.

"Owen, they're after me. I got too close. I hope you stay safe. But if you ever feel like you aren't, go to the Hidden Adventure. You'll find everything you need. Remember, only when we touch the sky can we truly see; the way in is the beginning of the end. Your friend, HB."

"Is that his signature?" Yas said, pointing at the initials and dinosaurs.

Kenji flung his hands in the air, "I'm sorry, but, "Touching the sky?" "The beginning of the end?" It's a bunch of nothing. Brimford is just crazy," Kenji said, rolling his eyes.

"Or it's a clue," Brooklynn said.

"I don't know about Brimford, but the Hidden Adventure... Is that like an attraction or something?" Darius asked, crossing his arms with furrowed brows.

Kiara frowned at the letter. She was sure she'd heard the name "Hidden Adventure" pop up somewhere, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Was it from some blueprint in her dad's office or something Mr Masrani had mentioned last summer? She felt it was some attraction but couldn't remember anything else. She jabbed her brother's arm.

"Ow! What the heck, Kiara," Kenji hissed.

"Remember when we snuck into Dad's office last year? Wasn't there a blueprint or something like that that labelled Hidden Adventure? I swear there was, but I don't remember," Kiara whispered.

Kenji sighed and racked his brain. Then he shook his head, "No. That was for some weird enclosure thing they scrapped. Masrani said he thought we'd have a cool "Hidden Adventure," but we did the same things as the summer before, so whatever he was planning was a bust."


"If you guys don't mind, I think I know where we could find out!" Sammy exclaimed, "Remember the book I had with all the secret park facts? Maybe we can find another copy on Main Street."

Brooklynn watched Sammy, frowning, "Or... maybe we could check a security office in the tunnels. See if we can find it on camera?"

The two girls looked to Darius to help choose where they'd go. While he wondered, Yasmina apologised to Sammy. She was on Brooklynn's side.

"Sorry, Sammy. Tunnels are farther, but Main Street is Trex territory. We can't risk a run-in with Rexy."

"She can't be there all the time. I still think Main Street is the way to go."

Darius smiled at Sammy, "Let's take our chances on Main Street. It's close!"

Sammy grinned, punching the air with a "Yes!" while Yasmina, Brooklynn and Ben frowned at her and Darius in concern. Kenji didn't care which way they took, and Kiara was just eager to figure out what this Hidden Adventure deal was, so it was a win-win situation for the Kon kids.

𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 - camp cretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now