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Blue Lock

It sounded stupid to her, to anyone actually. Recalling the words over and over again

"Blue lock" Her hearing wasn't doing her any favors, maybe it was wrong. But ofcourse, it wasn't. Eris was calm in the face of this new project. She was prepared for the worst so nothing could phase her. That's what she thought.

Now sitting by her desk, hands on her laptop, researching 'blue lock'. She was luckily given enough information to have a vague understanding of the program.

A training program full of males led by Ego Jinpachi. She herself was unaware of the purpose of her being sent there. She wasn't sure if it was to be used as a relief, or to play. Eris did not like uncertainty, nor did she like certainty.

Life was nothing more than a Shakespeare genre, a tragedy or a comedy. She was loved by all, famous and successful yet still a tragedy. In truth she always preferred his tragedies, they were much more addictive. Maybe because her story was a lie. She was admired but not loved. She was obsessed over but not loved. She was craved but never loved. A living tragedy. Humanity is stupid or sadistic. Some admire her because they don't know her.

Others obsess because they hate her. Envy, jealousy, pride. They wanted what she had but they wouldn't survive. Humans were weak to her. She looked down on them as if she wasn't one herself.

She had so many questions about this life, about people. Why do the still live? Why do those who are utterly worthless, have the motivation to live? What is it that keeps them going? Questions begin to pile till she drowns in them. The only difference is that she's learnt how to swim.

Wednesday, 13th of June.
The day she left for blue lock. The date of today. A disguise seemed like unnecessary work, but she decided to pack one in case of a public appearance. Society would allow it but it seemed like unwanted rumours that could be potentially damaging to her.

Books, phones, laptop, outfits, a disguise and of course, money filled her bag. Her phone rang but the contact made her a little calm for once. Rick, her personal driver, her friend. Friend wasn't an accurate way to describe it. Eris considered decency as kindness. He was only her friend because he had never laid a hand on her. He had never once insulted or belittled her. He had never tried to advance on her. He treated her like she was normal, ordinary. Even though it was enraging, it was the type of kindness that made her scoff.

She picked up the phone a bit too late as her bell rang and the call cut. With a shrug, she left. She left the house she hoped to never come back to. A hope, a dream but never the truth because you can't stop what's inevitable, can you?

The car was simple this time, black, elegant and perfect. Perfect for this.
She knew she was deluding herself into believing this was perfect. She knew Rick held no regard for her. It's not that he disliked her, he was impassive to her. He saw no interest in her. Frankly, Eris was just another payer. Nothing special about her.

She exited the car once they arrived, giving Rick a slight nod. She wanted to enter this on a positive note but she didn't really care either way. A massive crowd of boys, a massive line. She hated queues but for the sake of this, she decided to be patient for once. As she watched the boys all drop their phone in, she rolled her eyes. Because she didn't have to do that. Nobody could order her around, except him.

Her next destination was Ego's office, the place where this all starts. A gentle knock hit his door in which he answered "enter." The door opened and she stepped in, smiling even though she had no reason to, neither was she just generally happy. The smile was just there. Not necessarily fake but not real either. Ego put his glasses on and gazed at her cocking his eyebrows. "Ah, Miss Vasílissa." His tone light but cold. She simply nodded as he proceeded. "I'm Ego Jinpachi, founder of blue lock. However, that's not important. Your role in blue lock is to build these unpolished gems into something great. I have no care for how you do such but I will need you to participate with them as well as be a part of the introduction I plan to give to the boys. Are you any good at football?" That question, was she good?

Nonsense☆ 𝙈. 𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙖Where stories live. Discover now