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a young boy was walking alone through the dark streets. there were no lights, and no others soul there, or so he thought. for a second, he felt something or more precisely someone was behind him, so he started to run.

he ran for his dear life through the unknown dark streets. he could hear fast footsteps behind him, which meant that he was being chased.

after some time, the young boy got to a dead end. walls could only bee seen around him, and a dark unknown figure in front of him.

soon enough, that dark figure wasn't the only one one. there were countless figures in front of him, all saying similar things.

"he doesn't love you!"

"he will leave you as soon as possible!"

"he is faking his emotions!"

the boy started to breath heavily, and found himself screaming one word "NO!"

Seungmin felt that something was moving in his arms. he opened his eyes fully and saw jeongin moving non-stop in his arms, repeating the same word - no.

he got concerned for the younger as he saw that he was also sweating. he quickly pulled the big blanket off of them and tossed it to some corner of the large room. he sat up and started to slightly shake the boy beside him, trying to wake him up.

"innie, baby, wake up" he repeated those words a few times and soon the younger shoot his eyes open.

Jeongin started to breathe heavily as seungmin helped him sat up.

"baby, what's wrong?" he asked as he saw tears forming in the youngers eyes. he quickly pulled him in a hug, rubbing his back.

he decided not to question it too much, he knew jeongin would tell him when he would be ready. they just stayed like that, jeongin wrapped in seungmins embrace as the older slightly swung them from one side to another.

the only thing that could be heard in the large living room was jeongins quiet sobs and some snores from their six friends.

after a few more minutes, jeongin pulled away from the older. the tears from his eyes were now dry on his cheeks and his eyes were puffy. seungmin felt sad, the boy probably had a nightmare but that didn't happen too often. he knew that because every time jeongin had a nightmare, he would call him as soon as he woke up. seungmin always tried his best to calm him down, and it always worked. he didn't know why he never went to his parents or his brothers when he had nightmares, but he knew that he was his first option every time.

"baby, are you okay? was it a nightmare again? do you want to tell me what happened?" he whispered softly as his hand traveled to jeongins hair, caressing it lightly.

the younger boy nodded and said "yeah, i had a nightmare again. i was walking through the streets and there was literally no light anywhere and then i felt someone was behind me. i started running and the person was running after me. then i reached a dead end and there were more people whos face i couldn't see. they were all saying stuff like 'he doesn't love you', 'he will leave you' and 'his emotions are fake' " jeongin then started crying softly again. seungmin pulled him in another hug, placing the boys head on his chest.

"you think I don't love you and that I'll leave you?" seungmin whispered to the younger. he looked at him and saw jeongin staring into his eyes, shrugging at the question "i-i don't know... i don't think you will... its just, why did i dream about it?" he whispered back to the other.

Seungmin frowned. of course he wont leave him and how could he even have the heart to? he loves the fox like boy with all his heart. he knew for sure that nothing could separate them.

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