Part 1

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"Why does he always try to control me?"
I wondered as I was walking out of the local library.
I needed some new books for school.
Buzz, buzz, my phone was going off I grabbed it from my back pocket and checked who was calling to see my dad. I quickly pressed ignore. I didn't want to talk to him, not right now anyways.

As I was walking back to my apartment I accidentally ran into someone nocking both of us down, my books flying out of my hands landing some where on the ground.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry." I apologized holding my hand out for them to grab.
"Its alright I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." She said grabbing my hand and I pulled her up from the ground.
She had dark brown hair which she wore in a ponytail and mesmerizing green eyes.
"Here let me help you pick up your books." She offered.
"Oh no I got it you don't have too."
"But I insist you helped me up now I'm helping you." She said starting to pick them up.
I bent down to pick them up as well.
When we were done finding them all she put them in my hands.
"I'm Aleyah by the way."
"Oh I'm Davion." I say showing a smile.
"Nice to meet you Davion, have a good day." She said starting to walk off.
"You too." I said turning around as she started walking off.

I was half way back to my apartment when my phone started going off again so I grabbed it from my back pocket.
Seeing it was my mom I instantly answered.

"Bonjour maman." I said.
(Hello mom.)
"Salut chérie, ton père veut que tu rentres à la maison." She said on the other end.
(Hi darling,your father wants you home.)
"D'accord maman, j'arrive."
(Okay mama I'm on my way.)
"Très bien, à bientôt, chérie."
(Alright see you soon dear.)
I sighed when I hung up guess I have to go back home to him now.
That's just great well it was fun while it lasted.

I called a taxi to go to my parents house cause I sure as hell wasn't going to keep my father waiting.
"Where to sir?" The taxi driver asked once I was in.
"295 North Applewood drive please."

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