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𝕆𝕞𝕟𝕚𝕤𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕟𝕥. 𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕣𝕚𝕒, 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕪
𝕃𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕜
𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖: 𝟛:𝟘𝟘

Baby rolled her watery eyes squeezing her worn out bear tree as she seen another call from her uncle. He was supposed to pick her up from school since everyone else was expelled

Baby never fought so when everything happened yesterday she stayed in the car, she had had a terrible day without her siblings. There was no one to defend the quite girl

By the way baby dressed most would think she was out-going but she definitely wasn't, she simply loved her body and wanted to dress how she wanted to

She loved pink and blue they were her favorite colors so she always wore them

Looking down at her feet she sighed, she missed her daddy but he was at work

She left school around 1:30 because everyone was picking on her, that's how she ended up at the park on the bleachers with her location off, tired and alone

"My fault ma" she heard a deep voice say as a basketball hit her head

She rubbed the top of her head as more tears fell

I not wanted be here she thought

"It okay, i sorry" she said quickly, she was nervous simply based off the man's voice. It was so deep and scary, she got butterflies from it yet she didn't know what the funny feeling in her stomach was

As she looked up Saint was running her way

"BABY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" He quitely yelled, more tears filled the girls eyes as a stronger pout formed on her face

"I sorry, I-I-I-I" she repeated shaking as her chest began to fall and rise quickly

Saint immediately felt bad knowing he just caused his niece a panic attack

"No no, I'm sorry to yell baby. You just scared me, I didn't know what happened to you. Please calm down" he told her hugging her softly

"A B C D E F G" Saint sang rubbing her back softly, he would always sing the abc's to calm her down. It was kinda there thing

She sniffed as she began to breathe

"H I J K L M N O P" she sniffed

"Q R S T U V W X Y and Z now I know my abc's next time won't you sing with meeeee" they sang together

This was normal for baby, she had so many mood swings and her mood could change in a second

"I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry but please don't scare me like that. I love you so much and so much could've happened to you alone" Saint sighed

He loved his niece's like they were his own and he would lose his shit if something happened to one of them because of the line of work there family did

"I sorry too, I not mean too. BB mad at me?" She pouted

"No BB's not mad at you. I could never be mad at you" he told her

"Ok, we stay at the park?" she asked sadly, even tho she didn't wanna be alone she didn't wanna leave the park

"Yea we can, I bout you some nuggies" he chuckled seeing her face turn red from how big her smile was

"Yayyy! I eat nuggies" she smiled running to his car, she threw her backpack in the backseat along with her purse and grabbed the McDonald's bag

"You wanna paint? I bought some stuff" Saint asked, once he got the call she left school he knew she would either be mad or sad and he needed to make sure she calmed down

"No. we eat, here" she passed his his burger

Saint smiled and took a bite and baby's face turned up in disgust

"BB nasty" she shook her head taking a bite of her nugget

She only ate her nuggets in 2 bites, she hated when people ate it all at once



"Hmmmm" baby groaned at her painting

"What's wrong baby? You don't like it?" Saint questioned her

"NOOO! I not want to paint" she frowned as she stood up kicking over the paint holder that spilled on Saint hand

He sighed at her behavior

"Sinari, you want me to tell your daddy you acting out?" Ain't asked and she quickly shook her head

"No daddy be mad" she frowned now scarred, one person she feared was her daddy.

He never hit her but he would always frown on her bad behavior and she didn't want that, she loved her daddy she didn't want him to be disappointed in her

"Okay so tell me what's really wrong because your being bad Sinari" Saint demanded

She sighed and sat back down on the blanket they had laid out in the grass

"They call me retarded..they say i stupid, they say I be in kindergarten" she confessed quietly

"Who?" Saint asked now pissed off, everyone hated when people would pick on baby and Paris just because they had autism and because baby had Peter Pan syndrome

She pointed to the group of girls that were in the bleachers who were already looking at them and laughing

Saint nodded and began to pack all there paint supplies up

"Imma get ya sisters to beat they ass, don't worry" he said taking a picture of the group and sending it to Miko with the message "y'all come beat they ass" and without questioning him she responded "We on the way"

"I not fight, right?" Baby questioned lowly, she had never been in a fight.

Even as a kid she always had her childhood boy bestfriends name who she couldn't remember, simply because he was before her accident.

When her mom was some woman named "cookie" she knew cookie wasn't her real mom but she didn't remember her real mom she just knew she was bad

"Nah, you wanna watch?" He asked knowing she was one for violent, gory things

Baby smiled and nodded as she helped him pack up the rest of the stuff, she was happy her siblings were able to defend her now

If only she could learn how to defend herself, she only knew how to work a gun and kill. Not fight.


Not proof read

ℙ𝕣𝕚𝕧𝕒𝕥𝕖 𝙎𝙇𝙊𝙒 𝙐𝙋𝘿𝘼𝙏𝙀𝙎Where stories live. Discover now