Chapter 1

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Her eyes were brimming with tears, a boy she had known for aslong as she can remember was leaving her. Her best friend was leaving. She was too young to feel so upset.

She watched as he drove away, his car boot packed with furniture. An old couch tied to the roof, a couch she would always sit on to play chess. All of it was leaving. She fell to her knees and broke down in tears.

"eurghhh", a large groan is taken as she opens her eyes. It was that awful cruel dream that had haunted her for years, but it felt so real. More real than any other time before. The girl made her way down the stairs to have her breakfast.

She meets her mother, making her a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. "Estás bien, cariño?", her mother asks. "I'm fine mami, just that god awful dream again." Her mother gives a dissapointed sigh, "What have I told you? We need to take you somewhere to get checked, you have been having that same dream since you were six, Mari" "I'm fine seriously and im not going to a doctor like some science project!", she explains angrily. She plonks herself down at the counter and wolfs down her breakfast, still upset by her mother's rather mad suggestion.

"Before you go back upstairs can you do me a favour and bring the post?, her mother asks as Mariana passes by her. "Okay.", she replies. Since Mariana was rather nosy she had a flick through her mothers letters before walking back to the kitchen. "Oh, Mami you've got a letter from a Hogwarts, wonder who that is." She passes her mother the stack of letters. "How many times have i told you to keep your prying eyes out of my post?", her mother notes. "Let me see... ", as  her mother opens the letter that Mariana was so curious about.

Her Mother's eyes widen as they shifted down the old fashion piece of folded parchment. As Mariana is making her way up the stairs her mother gasps. Loud.8and composed woman, this worried her. However she was needing to get dressed for school so she continued to her bedroom.

Mariana had just walked through the old cracking doorframe of her bedroom when her mother shouted of her. Instantly, she knew something was wrong. So, she clattered down the stairs and practically flew into the kitchen. Her mother was just stood there, her jaw was hanging so low it was almost to the floor. "What's wrong, Mami? Mami tell me what's wrong!"

"You're a witch." her mother replied with a slight smile. Mari never knew her mother as the joking type but it had been one of those odd days. She started laughing uncontrollably, "Hahahaha, that's a new one." Her mother looked up now frowning. "I'm not joking with you girl! If you don't  believe me!", she spits as she shoves the letter into her daughter's chest. Her mother wasn't one to mess around.

'To Mariana Escarra,

We are happy to be welcoming you at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Hogwarts is the best secondary school for people of magical abilities like yourself.

I am sure you may be worried about this news. Seeing as none of your family are witches or wizards and also do not know anything about magic I will explain it myself.

For thousands of years there have been people like yourself who find themself different, these people are wizards. Have you ever done something special, something extraordinary that no one else you know could even think of doing. Those are the things that make you a wizard, you are magic. I know that I can not explain this in one small letter so I will send a fellow wizard to your home the morning after you recieve this letter.

You are actually different from others witches and wizards, you are special. we dont usually accept student in their second year of secondary school but we believe at Hogwarts that you are an exceptional witch.

I understand this is a very hard thing to wrap your head around but myself and your other teachers are looking forward to seeing you at school.

Sincerely from your new headmaster
Albus Dumbledore'

Mariana screamed. "Magic? How in god's name could i be magic?"

Her mothers eyebrows raise as she replies, "I don't know, cariño but I am so proud of you." As Mari was smothered by her mothers hugs and kisses all she could think of is what was going to happen now? Who is the messenger arriving tomorrow? What about her current school? Will she just have to leave her mother all alone?

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