07-A ball

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Charlotte stood in the grill and looked to see Chloe as she walked in and looked to her "I think that we need to talk. Over dad" Chloe said as Charlotte sighed

"Don't start chlo. I love you but I will hit you if you keep this up. I know he is our father but I am not going to see him. It's sad he's dying but I can't. I can't forgive how he treated me for all of those years bedsides I have bigger problems to deal with" Charlotte said

"Ah yes the ball" Chloe said as Charlotte sighed

"He wants a favour for saving our sisters life. That means I am his date to the ball although I am but very heels and dresses and make up that's more caroline" Charlotte said as Chloe nodded

"Just be careful. We know the family that they are and he's klaus and he's dangerous and your still humans after all. I'd hate for you to end up being there blood bag for the night or something" Chloe said as Charlotte looked to her and rolled her eyes

"Well why don't you and Damon make up and go together"

"I'm not apologising to him. He's being an ass" Chloe said as Charlotte chuckled

Charlotte got home and frowned as she saw a box in front of the door. She picked it to and glanced around for anyone in sight. She walked inside as she placed it on her bed and frowned

She saw an envelope with her name on and opened it up as she saw it was an invitation for the ball. She turned it over and saw klaus writing on the back

'See you there. Yours, klaus"

Charlotte looked to it and placed it down "you have got to be kidding me" she said as she opened the box and saw a red dress and shock her head

"Just kill me now" she said. She knew that she didn't want to go but she knew that she wasn't going to cross klaus. She knew that he was different with her. She knew that he drove her insane and she hated it and wanted to try and be civil with her

Charlotte grabbed her phone as she rang Chloe and sighed "Chloe sort it with Damon. As if I am going to this ball then so are you" she said as she left her sister a message

Charlotte and Chloe Forbes walked into the Salvatore house. Damon stood looking at Chloe. He knew how things were between them and how they were fighting but knew that he didn't want to fight. He walked over to her as she turned to face him

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I could ask you the same thing Your not suppose to be here" he said

"Well I am. I came for Charlie not you Damon" she said as he grabbed her arm

"we need to talk about this"

"As soon as your done with Elena right?" Chloe said

Charlotte walked into the room as she saw klaus. The two of them held eye contact as he walked over to her "good evening" he said

"I need a drink" she said as he looked to her and smirked

Charlotte stood dancing with klaus. His hands were on her waist as he looked to her "I'm glad you came" he said as she smiled

"I made a deal besides it's better then sympathy casseroles" she said

"I heard over your father" he said as she looked to him

"Don't . Seriously don't"

"Fair enough but can I say just how stunning that you look in the dress. Your wearing the bracelet too" he said as she smirked

"I didn't have time to shop"

"And the bracelet?" He asked as he pulled her to his chest. He rested his forehead against her.

"I can feel your heart beating. You have no idea what it's doing to be" he said as he rested his hand on the small of her back pulling her closer to him. Charlotte felt as if she couldn't breathe

Charlotte stood outside as she looked at the hours es that were there. She heard someone approaching and looked to see klaus "you like horses?"

"I was going to take lessons as a child my dad said he'd pay then caroline came along and they needed money for the new baby. I love her don't get me wrong I just hate having to be the oldest. With Chloe is was different. Why did you invite me here klaus" she asked

"I fancy you. Is that hard to believe?" He said as she looked to him


"Why your beautiful. Your strong. Your feisty as hell and you keep me on my toes. I enjoy you" he said as she smirked

"And how woukd you say we do this. I let you turn me now. Or let your family kill me. I am human" she said as he nodded

"I'm aware. I never thought I'd like a human but here we are" he said as they held a look

"Tell me that you don't feel something to me?" He Asked as she said nothing

"Come I want to show you something" he said

Charlotte walked into the room with klaus "what is it you wanted to show me"

"One of my passions" he said as she looked to his painting

"Impressive" she said as she looked to the bracket on her wrist

"Where did you steal this from" she asked as he chuckled

"That's a long story but it was worn by a princess maker as beautiful as you" he said as she rolled her eyes at how cheesy it was

"They really are beautiful."

"Actually on one my landscapes is hanging at the hermitage. Where have you been"

"I haven't really been anymore"

"I'll take you where you want. Rome, Paris. Tokyo?" He said as she laughed

"Oh wow. It must be nice to snap your fingers and get what you want"

"If that was so I'd have you" he said

"Yeah well maybe you need to change if you want to know me. Creating little minions of yourself isn't going to get me to like you" Charlotte said

Charlotte got home and frowned as she saw another box on her bed. It was small. She opened it up and saw paper that was rolled up and looked to see a drawing of her and smiled as she saw the writing at the bottom

'Thank you for your honestly, klaus' m

She looked to it and smiled having no idea what was going on with her and klaus mikealson

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