Part- 5

56 22 20

{ Again awkward silence enters }

( Time skips to the morning )

Jimin was lying on the floor unconsciously, Jin was lying on the center table, Taehyung was lying using Jimin's waist as his pillow, Yoongi and Hoseok were half on sofa and half on the floor and Y/N was sleeping on a separate couch and then our dear Jungkook....
was sleeping on the kitchen cabinet opening the refrigerator for the whole night...

Maid- Sir your friend calle- aaaah ( she came here to give phone to Taehyung but got shocked seeing them like this..)

Maid- They are ok right...are they alive... yes yes they are they are breathing ( she said in relief and turned towards kitchen to make coffee for all of them but...) aaaaahh... Jungkook-shi.... hmm he is also alive ( she sigh in relief then went to make coffee)

Taehyung- Ara make breakfast for us and why were u shouting like a wicked witch
( she flinched a little hearing his deep morning voice and bowed 180° to him)

Ara- Sir actually I was scared seeing u all sleeping like this

Taehyung- ( yawns ) I am going to wake everyone up..... Jungkook-aah wake up or else I am going to burn your banana milk

Jungkook- If you dare to I will burn your something else ( he said in his sleepy voice)

Taehyung- Now shut up and elp me to wake those kumbkarans up ( sleepy
heads ) ( he said rolling his eyes)

Jungkook- Coming ( he said standing slowly)

Taehyung - Why the hell why your sleeping on the kitchen cabinet

Jungkook- I was feeling hot I went to the kitchen opened refrigerator  and slept there ( he said carelessly)

Taehyung- hmmm you know what you burned the whole refrigerator

Jungkook- Really ( he said being shocked)

Taehyung- Now buy me one

They talked while moving towards them

Taehyung- Everyone! ( he yell)

Jungkook- Wake Up ! ( he also yelled)

( Silence)

Taehyung- Seems like we need to do something else

Jungkook- Like?( they both smirk)

( Few moments later)

Taehyung-  1!
Jungkook- 2!
Taehyung- 3!

Y/ N' s Pov

Well I was peacefully sleeping enjoying the best time of my life when suddenly I felt like I was swimming and instantly woke up and then I came to know what happened.... so that Mr. Whatever and that bunny teeth guy just threw a bucket of water on us

Y/ n- You brat ( she yelled)

Jin/ Jimin - You Bitch ( They also yelled)

Yoongi- You are gone ( he said glaring at them)

Hoseok- You- ( he said angrily)

Taehyung- Jungkook-aah Dashi

Jungkook- Run Run Run ( they said and ran faster than flash untill)

Taehyung- Oww ( he groaned)

He turned back and saw that, yes, Jin threw his pink slipper and when he tried to run again he saw Jimin and Y/ N standing with a baseball bat

Jimin- And here u go ( he said with a smirk with Y/ N  beside him )

Time Skips
Author's P.O.V

After getting a good beating from all of them they ate their break fast and went for their respective works. Jin and
Y/N were living in Taehyung' s house  as he insisted them...

So hey scotties here was the fifth episode I posted it one day earlier beacause I thought I will write it half today and half tumorrow but I was so mesmerized that I wrote the whole episode and published it ...

So till then bye
Take care




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