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Ever since you were born..You were kept locked up and away from other childern of your age..Your mother kept you tightly locked up at home..

While your father had left to go for a while on a business trip for his work..You were always kept inside for one single reason..

Your magic..Whatever you touched..It always was the same..the colors got drained out..and sometimes stuff crumbled and smashed.

"Ah..I-I'm sorry Mama..!" You'd had spoken out with fear in your eyes..Because you knew you were about to get another lecture from your mother..

Because you knew you were about to get another lecture from your mother

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(Pretend that child riddle is Y/N lol)

As you stepped down the stairs and entered the dining chamber of your parents house..well. It was no surprise that everything was quite neat.

despite the fact that serval delicate plates had been shattered or broken on the marble floor of the dining chamber..

"Y-Yes Mama..?" You'd had asked and looked up at her since she was currently busy washing the dishes in the sink.

"Darling Y/N, me and your father had decided that it was best..If you head to a public school..We can't keep you homeschooled much longer." Your
Mother spoke out in a soft comforting voice.

"W-What..?! But Mama..I'm only 12 years old right now...!" You'd had stuttered out while looking in shock towards your mother.

Your father looked up from his newspaper he was reading while eatting the his breakfast from the half shattered plate.

The soft tussling of the newspaper pages being turned echoed throughout the dimly lit dining chamber.

"Please Y/N, you need to make friends your own age..We can't keep you inside and homeschooled all the time." Your mother contiuned before bending down to your level.

"But you must promise me this..You must keep your signature spell a complete secret from others while your at school ok?"  Your mother had finished before shutting the recipe book she was using before putting it back on the bookshelf.

"Y-Yes mother..I understand.." you'd had spoke out before turning away and went back to your bedroom..

As you pushed the door open..a loud clatter was heard and the door fell right off the hinges and into dust.

"N-Not again..This is why Father always told me to wear my gloves..So that way I won't accidentally destory anything.." You'd had grabbed the gloves from my desk.

And slipped them on to not destory anything else while i'd had looked outside my locked window..It was lonely honsetly.

The laughter of many young childern and all the sounds of the soft bird chirping could be heard. You couldn't wait to finally be able.

To find somebody your age..Somebody you can put your trust into..And maybe..some day..You'll finally have..

Your first ever friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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