chapter 4

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They're on way to namjoon house but time to time jungkook see namjoon and said on his mind my heart becomes soo fast after seeing him and again see namjoon and said on his mind that is love I don't now but I want to see him everyday but jungkook come out from his think namjoon loudly said stop stop jungkook said what?  Namjoon said stop the car now  jungkook said why namjoon said just stop the car now jungkook said fine and jungkook stop the car and said why are you stop the car namjoon point on somewhere jungkook looked the sides where namjoon point and saw park and said you want to go into park namjoon nodded his head and jimin said yeah please let go in park jungkook said yeah let's go.( Jungkook really don't like  park but he don't now why he want go in park with namjoon now ) namjoon and jimin excitedly come out from car and run to park jungkook said hey don't run like kids and jungkook also run behind them and namjoon and jimin stop front of park gate jungkook said what happened namjoon pout and said on sad face it's Coles and jungkook feel pain on his heart after seeing  namjoon sad face one man come there's and said park is Coles now come tomorrow and the man about to leave jungkook stop him and said open the gate and give money to the man and man put the money on his pocket and the man said only for 10 minutes ok jungkook said ok and namjoon and jimin become happy and said we can go into park ye ye and the man open the gate and they're enter on park and jimin and namjoon start running around in park like kids jungkook smile 😊😊 see namjoon happy after 10 minutes they come out from park and namjoon said I want to water after hearing jk looking around and saw one cafe shop and jungkook hold namjoon hand and said there's is cafe and

they come to cafe and  enter on cafe and sit on table
jungkook said i am going to
washroom you to stay here don't run like kids again jimin and namjoon said together we are not kids jungkook said yeah you're to kids and jungkook go to washroom and  after 2 minutes jungkook come but he saw to boys siting beside namjoon and jimin and one boy touched namjoon seeing this jungkook feel soo angry and jungkook go to them and said what are you thinking you doing the boy turned to jungkook and said non of your business and the boy again about to  touched namjoon but jungkook pulled his hair soo hardly and kick the boy on his butt and the boy in floor and said how dare to touch my baby and the other boy attack on jungkook but jungkook puch the boy on his face and again about to puch the boy but namjoon stop and said don't fight and get from his chair and said I don't like it fight jungkook go closer to namjoon and hug namjoon and said ok I don't fight ( jungkook never listen anyone's on his life but that first time on his life he listens and  also do what he say ) and they sit into car and jungkook give water bottle to namjoon and namjoon drink the water and after 48 minutes jungkook stop car on front of  namjoon house jungkook seeing namjoon house and say that your house namjoon said yes that mine and jimin house jungkook said what you to living together jimin said yeah joonie this jin hyung car namjoon see car said yeah that's jin hyung car why jin hyung doing here that time he always come late home let's go jiminn jimin said yeah and jimin out from car and namjoon said by jungkook and about to out from car but jungkook hold his waist and said you forget something namjoon said what........ jungkook said my kiss namjoon said ohh and kiss on jungkook cheeks and again about to out but jungkook stop him and said not in my cheeks on my lip namjoon innocently said on your lip but I never kiss someone on lip jungkook said that's good kiss me now namjoon
slowly put his lip on jungkook lips jungkook said on his mind soo soft and move his lips into namjoon lips and bit namjoon lips namjoon pushing jungkook and said ahhhh why are you bit my lips it's hurt  and touch his lips jungkook said on his mind i forget that's he soo innocent for this and jungkook softly kiss namjoon lips and namjoon said I can go jungkook nodded his head and said by  namjoon out from his car and jimin and namjoon go into house jungkook said he makes me crazy ahhhh
Thanks for reading vote my story please stream indigo and vote namjoon on pop golden award app take care of yourself 841 words

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