[soft bi-panics]

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Once in my room I let out a soft breath - so he the person  I'm wondering if I want to just be with is offering to be who I test with.

I knew I was blushing - I was kinda good at hiding it always til not around pepole I just sat down by my door holding my legs breathing softly in utter bi panic.

Never have I felt this before and never have I just zoned out on his lips.. but I kinda wanna kiss him.. kiss him hard.

I glanced up at the ceiling - have I fallen for dream the one who even if I got with we could never tell the online space.

I knew I got jealous easily.. and dream lied about the lover george has.. george got rejected hard by the girl due to the flirting with dream and begged for it to stop.

Even then with how crazy the dnf fans can get - even if I got that happy relaship with dream I would have to sit in jealously and cry in silentcy.

I knew I'd get jealous even if someone ships my boyfriend with someone else I sighed and looking to patches who pawed over and rubbed aginst me purring.

In attempt to calm me.

"I just don't know what to do patchy" I sighed softly.

And now I'm talking with a cat.. that's great.

A hour must of passed and I grew hungry so I wandered down staires for food and into the kitchen optting for just toast.

Well buttered toast I just ate it stareing at whatever was on the tv from the kitchen contour  I felt someone wrap arms around me and looked up abit still hiding my face blushing.

This poststion was really aqward dream just rested himself on my ass as he held my waist, I was kinda arched over the contour.

"Dream what you doing there" I murmed.

"Cuddling you standing up?" He said with a slight tea kettle nosie.

It's more like spooning me but whatever floats his boat - I was just red refusing to look at him.

Truth be told I always liked when he spooned me or I spooned him when we cuddled on the couch and invaltly fell asleep watching some kind of movie.

"It's more like you're spooning me standing up dream" I sighed and stood up turning to him.

I quickly relized this was a even worst prostion to be in it kind looked like he was pinning me to the contour, I just instecivly melted to it.

It was my habit because if I melt ehnogh  I can go under a arm.. his chuckled looking down at me.

"I have a felling with this behavior were testing things if you ever want to as you're my bottom" Dream snickered.

I grumbled  and pushed him abit moving to pin him, "im no fucking bottom"

Dream blushed abit to this and looked me up and down, "yk it'll be hot if we kissed rn"

I blinked- I don't understand  with Dreams new offer.. he told me he always was inlove with george.
Oh lord.

looking snazzy  - dreamnap [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now