Town of Crocs

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Once upon a time, there was a family of five.

In this family of five, there was:

In this family of five, there was:

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Crocodile, the mother.

Crochet, the teenage eldest, a girl

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Crochet, the teenage eldest, a girl.

Crochet, the teenage eldest, a girl

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Father Crocker, The Father Croc.

Father Crocker, The Father Croc

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Crock, the tween daughter.

Crock, the tween daughter

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Grandfather Crockpot.

They had invisible feet, legs, arms, and hands! Oh my!

Why, you may ask? Oh, dearest me, you couldn't see? They're a family of crocs! No, no crocodiles! They're croc $hoes! Even the mother, Crocodile, is no real crocodile, but a croc's shoe, a croc shoe!

Heading to school in style was no challenge for this family of five! Even Grandfather had a cool croc-nine! Crocodile was hoping to be able to buy Crocs for her invisible feet, but alas, no one here in the town of Crocs needed a Croc when you were the Croc! And thus, no one sold the wonder man's croc!

An outrage ensued! The invisible feet were vulnerable to worms, mud, poo, and dirt! With no crocs for the feet, there was no warmth for the feet of a croc shoe!

Crocodile came up with an idea! Crocodile hired her two daughters, Crochet and Crock, her husband, Crocker, and her father, a croc named Crockpot, to help her make tiny objects she named after their kind -- a wearable croc!

Crocodile made her Crocs from yarn and polyester, but real Crocs shoes are made from a proprietary closed-cell resin known as "Croslite" which is made from polymer! Croslite is an extraordinary resin material that is soothing and avails to provide ultimate cushioning!

However, Polyester is a synthetic fabric made from petroleum-based chemicals that form long chains of molecules called polymers. The twine was to make them soft for the feet and add designs, but the polyester was to provide the polymer! Polyester is lissom, soft, and does not easily soak moisture! It was perfect!

Polyester is a weightless and enduring material that is commonly used in sports shoes; This made her Crocs business soar! The shoes were so cozy and fabulous!

The mother, a Croc named Crocodile, was able to make millions of bucks as the motherland needed shoes so badly, and Crocs are immaculate for Crocs!

The mother, a Croc named Crocodile, was able to make millions of bucks as the motherland needed shoes so badly, and Crocs are immaculate for Crocs!

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But then, Nylon came to town, selling horrid Crocs to capitalize on the stardom of her Crocs!

Nylon wasn't a horrid man, just a horrid businessman!

Nylon's crocs were hard, assembled from plastic! Nylon's enterprise was known as "The Croc Monster." Its designs are sculpted from concrete! Even more so, they were dangerous! Their designs were painted with lead!

Lead exposure can affect the unborn child's brain, causing developmental hardships later in life. Unborn youngsters exposed to lead before birth may be born early or underweight.

People began buying from him, but the crocs were too hard for their soft feet, I say! When the Crocs went on, all comfort was gone, They couldn't stand for far too long, so their feet would hurt, and they'd be forced to sit on the chair, the bed, the toilet, or even the ground!

I remember how these Crocs bammed my feet silly! Oh, who am I? Grandpa Crock, but my full name is Crockpot! I, Grandpa Crockpot, was wearing these for a while, but my feet got bumps on 'em from wearin' 'em for too long! I usually got those blisters on my bum from sittin' for too long on those ol' uncomfortable chairs!

People ran back to my daughter, Crocodile, luckily, her business still soars!

However, that ol' Nylon wanted to join my pearl's business, and she wasn't havin' it, Yes, siree Bob!

No nut job can just come in and ruin our business! She told him that they wouldn't partner unless he got rid of the hard ol' Crocs, but he was a poor businessman, wanted to do what he wanted, and wouldn't listen to the customers! He kept those useless ol' hard Crocs! He failed.

In the end, his business went bankrupt, and he learned a valuable lesson, the people won't buy what you WANT to sell, but what they WANT to buy!

So, Nylon got back on his feet, rebranded himself, and worked with my daughter to make better Crocs!! These were a hit!!! We were professionals! Popstars of the croc industry!

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So, Nylon got back on his feet, rebranded himself, and worked with my daughter to make better Crocs!! These were a hit!!! We were professionals! Popstars of the croc industry!

The End.

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