The Unfortunate Beginnings.

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For as long as I can remember, I have had trouble sleeping.

It wasnt until I got older that it got worse. I could barely sleep through the night, yet i could peacefully sleep before and after waking up in the middle. It was like a sensor in my body forced me awake at a certain time in the early hours of the morning and would not let me go back to sleep until the clock struck 4.

In truth, most people would either call me crazy, but some would call me stupid. And a small majority would just brush me off.

In my opinion, im among those who say i am stupid.

I never was a religious person, but in my youth a surge of defiance led me to seek out the most bizarre and downright hardcore things i could imagine.

So of course with christianities utter disapproval of who defies all, i dabbled in the occult. Satanism to be exact. Now, i do not agree or stand on one level of religion for i see all of them as silly. But up until i could, with my full heart say that what is happening to me, i fell under the teachings of Laveyan Satanism. Which isnt really even a religion, more an atheism centered religious sect. It dabbled more on secularism and putting yourself and others above something that may not exist.

Well, now i see that it is more or less defunct. Because, well.

I'm being taunted by some sort of demonic presence. I am yet to find out which class it falls under as it hasnt really shown itself to me. At least not yet?

During nights i know the body gets weaker during three, which is why it is called the devils or witching hour. And it at that time do i awake at night, tired, confused, and to be honest, a bit scared. Im not one for being a wimp, and now that ive experienced this enough and encountered nothing, my fear slowly dwindles into nothing. On more then one occasion have i chalked it up to me spooking myself and just being silly. But i know that is not the case.

Well, i didnt. Not until today.

Little bits of it slowly revealed itself to me, slowly. So slow that it had not occurred to me in the slightest until very recently. Yesterday to be on point. But i will start from the beginning. The earliest encounter i can remember.


"You boys are really weird to me. Doesnt it ever occur to you that when i say no, it means no?"

A small, thin girl stated, crossing her arms and taking a step back from a boy that took a dicey step forward.

"Aww but y/n, youre so pretty. Arent we handsome? Isnt that what you want in a guy?"

"I dont want anything. I want to draw and go home, not be messed with by you and your brothers."

Another took a step forward, his eyes soft and endearing. They were a striking green, a bit lighter than an emerald.

"We dont wanna mess with you pretty girl, we just wanna hang out. Really." he extended a hand forward, a brief flash of something evil crossing his eyes when she stepped back once more.

"Youre... really creeping me out. I'm gonna go..." she quickly brushed past them. She was stopped by an icy grip on her wrist. Her heart sank and she whimpered.

"Let go!" she tore her hand away and spun, speeding off and into a more densely populated area of the school.

It was exactly three days after she had carried out an easy offering ritual. She had not many supplies or knowledge, but the desire to conduct something so profane made her at least cheaply grab what she needed. In the beginning, she had sought to trap a spirit in one of her stuffed animals to care for it and hopefully annoy it enough to show it how it would only ever be happy again if it would side with her.

My Incubus (IncubusGhouls x FemReader) Ghost B.C. AUWhere stories live. Discover now