Chapter Two

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By nightfall, the group had made great strides from the tiny port town. They settled within the forest and set up camp within a small clearing of trees with cedars and firs towering around them, their piney smell mixing with the salty brine in the air. Once the wood had been collected and the fire was made, they all gathered closely, bracing themselves against the cold, ocean wind and to block the weakening flames from being blown out.  

It was Caraka who broke the silence. "So, Kytheran, Aaralynn, how do you two know Cipher?" 

Kytheran eyed Cipher. 

"We all met down in Tarthen." Cipher explained. "They were a couple of revolutionaries and I asked them if they wanted to do something bigger than preaching on the street corner. So, they joined me." 

"You must be one hell of a charmer to convince two Atheriens from Tarthen to join you on little or no information," said Caraka. 

"It must be my good looks."  

"No," said Kytheran. "We knew her goal was to rid the world of Tamesis, so we decided we would try to help." 

Caraka eyed him sideways. "Tamesis?" she asked coldly. 

He nodded. "He is the head advisor to the King of Drecona." 

"We've had some minor disagreements with him," said Aaralynn. 

A twitch tugged at the corner of Caraka's mouth. "Oh, you are not alone on that." 

Cipher rubbed her hands together. "So, we are all in for the same goal, correct?" 

The other three grumbled.  

"Wonderful! That makes my job easier." 

"What is your job?" asked Kytheran. 

Cipher's face darkened suddenly. "To collect like minded individuals and bring them to my friend." 

"That sounds very ominous," Aaralynn rubbed her hands together and narrowed her eyes at the half dragon. 

"Don't worry, she's good," she said softly. "She's like me." 

"Can you tell us anything?" asked Kytheran. 

"No, she has to. She has to." Cipher looked away, her face blank. She dabbed her forehead with her sleeve. 

"Anyways, what can you do?" Kytheran asked Caraka, trying to change the subject. 

"Excuse me?" She looked at him, her voice low with a snip to it. 

Kytheran waved towards her swords. "Are you a soldier of some sort? You don't see many women carrying around swords." 

"No, no. I'm not a soldier." She bit her lip and lowered her head. "You were right before. I'm a sorceress." 

"Oh, I was?" He rubbed the side of his neck. He twisted his mouth. "I just guessed." 

Aaralynn's eyes widened. "A sorceress?" She shook her head vigorously. 

Caraka raised an eyebrow. "Do we have a problem?" 

The elf narrowed her eyes. "Do we?" 

"I'm not crazy." 

"You can't prove that. Lots of sorceresses who have broken minds have days of clarity. Doesn't change the fact that they are a danger to others and themselves." 

"Well, you went out on a limb with Cipher, who has strange eyes and heralds from the great mysterious south, yet you won't do the same with me?"  

"Cipher didn't kick my friend in the family jewels upon meeting," said Aaralynn. She stood up, balling her hands into fists. 

Caraka followed suit. Her lips pulled back from her teeth. "I was defending myself." 

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