The attack

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As nezha walked down the celestial realm, he noticed other gods looked at him smiling with reliefs. Although He couldn't care less, finally he arrived to his room. He opened the door and finally dropped himself onto the bed and fell asleep.

                                  The next day:

As nezha woke up from his nap, he couldn't help but feel a stinging pain from his head. He ignored it (or at least tried to) and walked out of bed and opened his bedroom door and walked away from his bedroom and saw his attendants walking near him and gained a slap from her.

Attendant: what were you thinking!? You ran away for what I helped you fed you and teach you, and this is the payment I get!?

She screamed and stormed off, leaving nezha pissed off he wanted to hit her tear her kill her, but he didn't he stormed off outside and saw a familiar blue lion bird and elephant. He immediately got into battle stance and got ready to attack but then red son came out of nowhere and got ready to attack.

An hour later:

After an hour of battling, nezha started to feel exhausted, he really couldn't keep this up anymore, but then a whole bunch of ink people piled up on him, he immediately flew into the air and landed a few meters away from them and breathed out fire, red son seems to holding up okay, he flew over to azure lion and stab him in the chest, making him scream in pain, azure lion grab nezha by the throat and threw him to the ground, nezha yelped in pain but quickly got up, at this point he decided it was time. He took off his earrings and threw them aside  and started floating into the air and flame started to erupt around him, he started laughing hysterically, the others were terrified to see nezha in state like this.

Azure lion: what's going on?!

Peng: I don't know but I don't like this!

Tusk: we need to retreat now!

Nezha: retreat? RETREAT?! Seriously?! Don't you think this is a wrong time?

As nezha was busy hysterically laughing he didn't notice a Mei literally landing right in front of him


Tang: ya think!? This is worse then the samadhi fire incident!

Mei: This is exactly like the samadhi fire incident you dumb bitch!

Tang: damn fuck you! (Even tho she's clearly right)

Pigsy: this isn't the time to argue!

Sandy: seriously how do we calm him down?

As they all wondered what to do mk suddenly landed right near them shocked to see nezha in that state.


To say mk was shocked was an understatement, he was sweating buckets and stood still, until then. wukong came into the battle field but also stood still in shock not imagining that nezha would be like this.

Wukong: nezha, whatever's going on right now, PLEASE CALM DOWN!

Nezha: or what huh? Hahahahaha you can't stop me!

Azure lion: wukong, nezha took his earrings off before being in this state, put the earrings back on nezha!

Wukong nodded

Wukong: everyone scatter! Look for earrings!

Everyone nodded and immediately went to look for thr earring, while everyone still looked for the earrings the surrounding suddenly turned dark pink, freaking everyone out.

Mei: uh- what happened?!

Tang: I don't know, and I don't like this!

Pigsy: whatever it is I bet it has something to do with nezha!

While everyone was busy panicking wukong finally found the earrings, he took them and jumped towards nezha putting them instantly. Nezha immediately screamed in pain and the surrounding went back to normal nezha was still dark pink but he slowly turned back to normal.

Wukong: are you alright?

Nezha: are you kidding?! I could've killed them when I had the chance but you blew it!

While they were arguing the jade emperor was killed immediately causing the universe to shatter but sealed back quickly.

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