Chapter Eleven | Layers

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"The Open Window" by Pierre Bonnard

Malia slowly walked to the door after hearing a couple of knocks. She opened the door and was surprised to see Klaus on the other side.

"Klaus," her eyes were wide.

"Hi, love," he said, breathing a sigh of relief. "You haven't played at the club in a few days and I just wanted to make sure everything was alright."

In all of the craziness of what Elijah had said, Malia hadn't even considered the routine she had made with Klaus.

"Oh yeah. I, um, I," Malia stepped towards him and closed the door behind her. "I was dealing with some personal stuff. I'm sorry, I should have told you somehow."

"As long as I know you're okay," Klaus looks at her closely. "Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah," Malia couldn't explain even if she wanted to. It was all just too crazy. "I really am sorry. Let me make it up to you. Coffee?"

She looks at him with hopeful eyes, hoping to retain a friendship after she had mysteriously ghosted him over the last several days.

"Okay," Klaus says, gesturing for her to lead the way.

It had been a while since Malia had seen Nelle, too, so she was already feeling better getting out of her house with some people she had grown to trust. Klaus opens the door to the cafe.

"Hey, stranger!" Nelle greets her as she walks in, a smile across her face. "Long time, no-"

Her eyes flicker past Malia and her smile drops instantly.

Malia turns her head back to see what she was looking at and realizes she has yet to introduce her friends.

"Oh, right. Nelle, this is Klaus," she lowered her voice. "I told you a bit about him, remember?"

"You aren't welcome here," Nelle's voice is stern as she stares down Klaus.

"What?" Malia asks. "No, Nelle, this is-"

"Malia," Nelle warns, her voice a low hiss. "Stay away from him."

Without another word, her friend storms to the back room and closes the door.

"Okay, that was weird," Malia knits her brow and turns to her friend. Klaus's face has tightened and his eyes are narrowed. He glares at the door that Nelle had just gone through.

"Hey," Malia reaches up and gently touches the side of his face to get his attention. "Let's just go. Come on."

Klaus's face softens and he follows her as she leads him out of the cafe.

"I'm sorry, Klaus, she's not usually like that. But with how crazy things have been, I don't know if I even want to figure out what just happened."

"Okay, love," his jaw is still clenched but he's still trying to relax as much as he can. "We won't worry about it. How about lunch, then?"

Malia looked up at him.

"Thai?" She asked hopefully.


"This was much needed," Malia slurps up some noodles. "I'm so glad we did this."

"As am I," Klaus says.

The waitress drops off the bill at the table and Malia reaches for her wallet, but Klaus stops her.

"Please, allow me," he says. Malia smiles and tucks a piece of hair behind her ear.

"There's an art show," Klaus begins, piquing Malia's interest.

"Oh yeah?"

"My art show," he corrects himself. "I was hoping you would go with me. As my date."

The girl can do nothing to block the butterflies from swarming in her stomach. Her cheeks flush.

"Yeah, Klaus. I'd like that."

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