Chapter 2

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Waking up the next day Kairi couldn't help but sigh. 'So, this is real. It's not a dream.' Weirdly she didn't have a nightmare that night. Whether it's because of the joy she felt when seeing Sora or because of the lack of sleep she had days prior. She decided not to question it and strive forward for today. She got ready, grabbed her things, and made a course towards the boats. Looking at the shells in hand and seeing the charm, which was half done, she decided to work on it as she waited for the others.

"It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me."

'The promise.' Kairi couldn't help but think back to that day in Traverse Town. The promise she made with Sora. The promise he had kept to her, when bringing it back to the Islands after finding Riku. She smiled thinking about it. She had it with her when training and often reminded herself of what it meant to her. A two-sided charm, one representing Sora and the other Riku.

'I should finish this even if things might be different.'

The charm became something so special to her over the years that she couldn't imagine not having it anymore or the promise with it. Feeling one of the boats shifts, she looked over to see Sora and Riku untying the boat.

"Morning Kairi." Sora says with a bright smile before almost slipping when the boat moves. Giggling, she moves over to greet them both "Morning you two. What took you so long?" she said. "Well, someone decided to be as lazy as ever and slept in again." Riku chuckles avoiding Sora's swats. Before Sora gives up his assault and begins to pout in protest. "It wasn't that bad. I-It just was... The dream I had it was so bizarre..." Kairi couldn't help but join in on laughing.

"No but, really it felt like this darkness swallowed me up. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't-" before he could finish Riku cut him off by putting him in a nuggy. "Yeah, sounds like another excuse to keep snoozing."

Kairi froze. 'Darkness...He dreamed about darkness...No that couldn't be?' "Uh Earth to Kairi? You okay in there?" Snapping out of her thoughts she looked to see Sora and Riku were ready to set off. With Sora looking at her with a confused and concerned expression.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just felt like I had DeJa'Vu." Both the boys look at each other before nodding and heading out to the islands.


Upon arriving on the island everyone dispersed to their activities. Walking by, Kairi heard the others talk about Sora winning the sword fight yesterday. She smiled remembering how shocked both Riku and Sora were when that happened. She headed over to the secret place to fully come to a decision on if she should try to stop what would happen or wait until she can change things. Looking at the door she glared, remembering the feeling of darkness coming from it, the feeling of emptiness she felt.

'I can't just not do anything. I have to at least try something. I've come this far anyway. Maybe I could help him.' Hearing rustling Kairi turns around only to see a figure watching her. 'Who...? What...? This feeling is familiar...' The feeling of fear and a suffocating feeling of darkness. The thoughts of his laughter rings through her ears before she can react, she clutches her head. "No..." 'I won't let this happen... I can't let this happen...' once the laughter stopped, she looked up and the figure was gone.

'That couldn't be..' She walked out shaken and beyond terrified, only to begin spiraling in her thoughts. 'He was on the islands. What was he doing, what was he planning?' all these thoughts bundled up before she bumped into Riku. Looking up at him made her thoughts only worse. 'Did he cause Riku to open the door? Did he cause him to fall into darkness? No, I have to do something. I have to stop what's going to happen. Before it's too late.' "Kairi are you okay? It looks as if you've seen a ghost." Riku laughs awkwardly. "I'm alright. I've just been in my head is all." She responds with a forced smile. 'That's right we weren't talking as much then. I should try to reach out more. But what should I say?' She wayed her options before deciding on asking about him and Sora.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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