bonus chapter - ✩彡

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before i start off this chapter i'd just like to say one thing: THIS CHAPTER IS NOT CANON TO THE MAIN STORY!! all unrelated chapters will be titled as bonus chapters! also, this chapter is a princess/fantasy type AU. mainly based off of adventure time. anyways, now that that's out of the way, enjoy..!


i stood at my bedroom balcony, my elbows resting on balustrade. i love this time of night.. it's oddly comforting. all my duties and responsibilities as a princess seem to just melt away. i take pleasure in just watching the stary night sky with a good book. i just feel so at peace. night time is my alone time so, i always try make the most of it. nothing can ruin my mood at this time of night.. well at least that's what i though at the time.

"heeey princess..!~" called a familiar voice, though it wasn't familiar in a comforting way. more like a pain-in-my-ass kind of way. "ugh.. selen." i groaned, throwing my head back in annoyance. "why are you here..?" i questioned, rubbing my temples. "whaaat..?~ i thought you loved visits from moi." she smirked. i hated that smirk, she always wore it when she was up to something. "stop avoiding my questions. how did you even get up here?" i asked with a raised eyebrow. "have you forgotten that i'm a dragon?" she began. "i have wings." she replied with a playful smile as she played with my hair from above. "that's not what i meant." i responded, swatting her hands away. "how did you manage to get past the guards..?" i asked, turning my body around to face her. "oh, them?" she scoffed. "your guards are so easy to bribe." she snickered.

"anyways," she continued. "why are you wearing a dress?" she questioned. "it's a slip dress. they're like fancy pajamas or whatever." i explained. "i like them." she expressed. "it looks good on you." she added with that same smirk. "why are you here?" i pried once more. "to see you of course..~" she winked. "i've missed you. it's like we never get to see each other anymore..~" she pouted. "i.. i know.." i admitted. "it's just hard ruling a whole kingdom by myself." i added, my head slightly lowered. "everything used to be so simple.. it's just.." i trailed off. "hey, it's okay." she assured me, wrapping her arms around me from behind. even though selen told me it was okay, i didn't feel okay. "y'know what, fuck it." she announced. "let's go out. you deserve a break." she suggested. "you know i can't do that." i replied. "who's gonna stop you? you're the princess." she pointed out. "i mean.. i guess you're right.." i said admittedly. "c'mon, let's go." she grinned, grabbing my hand. "w-wait..! at least let me change outta this first..!" i gasped, trying to escape from her grasp. "keep it on. you look hot." she replied, completely ignoring my attempts to get away.

in spite my efforts to change into something more, uh, appropriate.. selen dragged me away to the cloud kingdom, apparently one of the (many) princesses up there were throwing a huge blow out party. i never understood why or how these people could just drop everything to just go off and party all day and night. once we arrived we saw nothing but chaos. people pass out on tables, couples making out in the corner, people downing drinks left and right. it was madness. "okay, take me back to the palace." i said, turning to the opposite direction of the party. "no, no, no. you need this. you deserve this." she asserted, grabbing me by my shoulders. "plus, for a cloud kingdom party, this is actually pretty tame." she chuckled. "selen. i don't want to be here." i stated, my arms crossed in discomfort. "plus people are staring.." i muttered, looking down at the ground. "okay, okay, you wanna leave? we'll leave." she assured.

it was completely silent as selen flew me back to the palace. up until she finally spoke up..

"are you mad at me..?"

"what? no, why do you ask?"

"cause i kinda dragged you to a random party that you didn't even wanna be at."

"well when you put it like that.."

"i really am sorry."

"it's fine, i know you didn't have any ill intent."

"i just wanted you to have some fun for once. you're always doing princess shit."

"i know but, it's not like i can just drop everything just to goof off."


"look, i'll make it up to you. tonight you'll have my full, undivided attention. i swear."

it was then we finally arrived back at the castle. selen gently set me down back on the balcony, pressing our foreheads against each other's eyes. "really..?" she questioned me softly. it was very out of character of her to talk like that. soft and gentle, usually her tone is more cocky and loud. "mhm.." i replied back in the same warm tone with a small smile starting to form on my face. "well then.." she then suddenly scooped me up in her arms. "w-wait..!-" i gasped, caught off guard by her bold actions. "what are you doing..?" i questioned, still in her arms. "you said i had you full attention for the night, right?" she grinned down at me. "right?" i raised an eyebrow. "so i plan to make the most of it." she smirked at me once more. i felt my face heating up as her words finally processed in my head. she giggled to her self just before leaning down to kiss me, i kissed her back, wrapping my arms around her neck. when we finally pulled away she gave me a small smile. a genuine one. "i'm sorry we haven't been able to talk as often as we do.." i apologized. "and i'm sorry if i haven't been paying much attention to you.." i said admittedly, resting my head on her chest. "it's fine, really." she continued. "i know you're busy." she comforted, tucking some loose hair behind my ear. i couldn't help but stare into selen's eyes, they're so pretty.. she then carried me off to bed. i didn't try to fight it, or tell her that i was busy, or whatever.. i just let it happen.

thank you for reading! hope you enjoyed!

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