# 30 , lovesick

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@cosplay ꒰30꒱

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@cosplay ꒰30꒱

at the midst of their student council duties, (name) and cyno found themselves seated at the familiar oval table in the council room.

papers and documents were strewn about, evidence of the tasks they had been tackling. as they worked through their agenda, (name) couldn't help but get a bit distracted.

with her phone discreetly propped up beside her notebook, she subtly scrolled through her social media feed.

her eyes widened when a post caught her attention—a colorful flyer for an upcoming anime convention.

"cyno," she said, excitement creeping into her voice, "look at this! there's an anime convention happening this weekend!"

cyno glanced over at her, momentarily torn between focusing on their work and indulging in her enthusiasm.

"that's cool, (name), but we've got a lot on our plate with the student council."

(name) leaned closer, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "i know, but just imagine how much fun it would be! we could cosplay as our favorite characters, and it's a whole weekend of anime, gaming, and all sorts of activities."

cyno sighed, tempted but still hesitating. "as much as i'd love to, (name), we have responsibilities here."

she knew she had to pull out all the stops to convince him. (name) clasped her hands together, giving him her best puppy-dog eyes.

"please, cyno? it'll be a great opportunity for us to relax and bond outside of the student council. plus, i've always wanted to cosplay with you."

cyno's resolve began to waver under her earnest plea. he knew how hard they had both been working, and the idea of a fun-filled weekend sounded tempting. but he couldn't help but glance at their unfinished work.

(name) sensed his hesitation and decided to play her final card. she stood up, put her hands together as if in prayer, and gave him an exaggerated, dramatic plea.

"cyno, please, pretty please with a cherry on top?"

cyno couldn't help but chuckle at her theatrics. he knew he was beaten. "alright, alright, you win. we can go to the convention."

her face lit up with delight, and she practically squealed in excitement. "yes! you won't regret this, cyno. it's going to be so much fun!"

as they returned to their student council work with renewed vigor, cyno couldn't help but smile at (name)'s infectious enthusiasm.

maybe taking a break and cosplaying at the anime convention was exactly what they both needed.

maybe taking a break and cosplaying at the anime convention was exactly what they both needed

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𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 /cyno ( ✓ )Where stories live. Discover now