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I was still kind of shocked. Minho just probably saved my life by standing in front of me and helping me up. If he didn't do that, I would probably get stomped on and just die. He took my arm and he walked me to the nurses office. She gave us a first aid kit and Minho took it. Still holding my arm he took me out, sat me on a bench. He took some ointment and started putting it on my little cuts. I just started at him. He was so mesmerizing. He was looking at my cheek and putting the ointment on every little cut he saw. He then moved a little closer to my cheek, his head was almost buried in my neck. I can't even explain how I felt. I could feel his breath and it made my stomach go crazy. He then looked up and saw me staring at him. I wanted to move my face and pretend like I didn't look, but I just couldn't. I was lost in his beautiful eyes. He looked right at me. His eyes traveled to my lips and back to my eyes. He then lifted his face a little bit, so he was facing me. He took another ointment and started putting it on my busted lip. I couldn't breath. His eyes were locked on my lips as he applied the ointment. It was putted on, but he didn't stop touching my lips.
My stomach felt like exploding. He then looked into my eyes again, his finger still on my lips. He looked at me and I looked at him. We both wished this moment never ended, but unfortunately, luck wasn't on our side. I heard Felix screaming my name as he was running down the hallway. He then hugged me and apologized for what happened in front of school. I hugged him back, but I still couldn't get over this moment I just had with Minho.

I love you Felix, but fuck you

He then took my hand gently this time and we went to classroom. He was saying something, but I didn't pay attention. I was replaying the moment in my mind and I just couldn't stop. I never felt like this. I would give anything just to experience it once again. I can't explain what is happening between us, but I can totally feel my heart race when he gets close to me, I feel safe with him and the tension when he is so close to me that our lips could meet....I would give anything just for these moments.

We walked into the class and I sat down. Felix immediately started talking about his vacation and he gave me a little keychain he bought for me. I gladly took it and I put it on my keys. The bell rang, but Minho still didn't come into the class. I was kind of worried, but few minutes later, he came inside. The teacher didn't question anything, he was also kind of scared of him. I looked at him. His eyes were locked into his desk and he looked like he was thinking.

Are you thinking about the same thing as I do, Lee Minho?


Felix took jisung away. I didn't like Felix already, but now I ABSOLUTELY HATE him, but at the other hand, I was about to do something stupid, so I'm also kind of glad he took him away. When they left my sight, I released a big breath I was holding and I put my hand on my chest.

What was happening to me?

I rushed to the bathroom and I sprayed myself with a cold water.

I don't like jisung, right? It's just that I was really close to his face...

I kept repeating to myself. When I calmed down a little and I caught my breath, I was ready to go to the classroom, but bell rang. I took my time and got to the class. I made sure I didn't look at jisung, even tho I wanted. I just buried my eyes to the desk and thought about the moment we had. How it made me feel, how I was so weak....and coward....for not coming even closer to his lips.

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